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S. ephed- v. “to say out” (Category: to Say)

S. ephed-, v. “to say out; [ᴺS.] to confess” (Category: to Say)

A verb meaning “say out” in notes from around 1959 derived from [AT.] et-pet (PE17/167). Tolkien said this same form could theoretically be derived from ancient [AT.] **enpet “*say again”, but the root √EN was not used in the Sindarin language branch.

Neo-Sindarin: In a 2024-09-14 post on the Vinyë Lambengolmor Discord Server (VLDS), Luinyelle suggested this word might also mean “confess” as with its (Neo-Quenya) cognate ᴺQ. etequet-.

References ✧ PE17/167



ed¹ “out, out of”
ped- “to say, speak”


Phonetic Developments

AT. et-pet > ephed [etpet-] > [eppet-] > [eppʰet-] > [eɸɸet-] > [effet-] > [effed-] ✧ PE17/167
AT. enpet > ephed [enpet-] > [enpʰet-] > [enɸet-] > [enfet-] > [enfed-] > [effed-] ✧ PE17/167