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Q. tyulma n. “mast” (Category: Mast)

Q. tyulma, n. “mast” (Category: Mast)

This was the Quenya word for “mast” for much of Tolkien’s life. It first appeared as ᴱQ. tyulma “mast” in Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s under the early root ᴱ√TYULU “tall” (QL/50). It was ᴱQ. tyulme “mast” [with an e] in notes associated with a draft of the ᴱQ. Earendel (Poem) from around 1930 (PE16/100); in the final poem it appeared in its nominative plural form tyulmin “masts” (MC/216). In The Etymologies from 1937 it was again ᴹQ. tyulma “mast” derived from primitive ᴹ✶tyulmā under the root ᴹ√TYUL “stand up (straight)” (Ety/TYUL).

At some point Tolkien changed the form of its root without changing the word itself. In notes on the Adûnaic language from this period Tolkien gave its primitive form of ᴹQ. tyulma “mast” as ᴹ✶kyulumā (SD/419). The primitive form ᴹ✶kyulma “mast” also appeared in an earlier document Primitive Quendian Structure: Final Consonants dated “Apr. 28 [19]36” (PE21/55 note #1, PE21/65) and as ᴹ✶kı̯ulmā “mast” in Notes for Qenya Declensions from the 1940s (PE21/68). Notes on Common Eldarin: Noun Structure from the early 1950s had both primitive ✶kjulmā “mast” (PE21/74) and Q. tyulma “mast” (PE21/80).

Neo-Quenya: Tolkien’s change of √TYUL to √KYUL is in keeping with his abandonment of palatalized dentals in Ancient Elvish; see the discussion of phonetic developments in Ancient Telerin for details. This has no effect on Quenya word forms, since ancient ky became ty in that language branch. It does affect Sindarin forms, however, and I prefer to retain earlier palatalized dental roots like √TYUL to preserve words like [N.] tulus “poplar-tree”, also derived from this root.

Reference ✧ PE21/80 ✧ “mast”

Element In



ᴹQ. tyulma n. “mast” (Category: Mast)

See Q. tyulma for discussion.

References ✧ Ety/TYUL; SD/419


Element In



Phonetic Developments

ᴹ✶tyulmā > tyulma [tjulmā] > [tjulma] ✧ Ety/TYUL
ᴹ✶kyulumā > tyulma [kjulumā] > [kjulmā] > [tjulmā] > [tjulma] ✧ SD/419

ᴱQ. tyulma n. “mast” (Category: Mast)

See Q. tyulma for discussion.

References ✧ MC/216; PE16/100, 104; QL/50




tjulmin nominative plural   ✧ PE16/104
tyulmin nominative plural “masts” ✧ MC/216; PE16/100

Element In


Phonetic Developments

ᴱ√TYULU > tyulma [tʲulmā] > [tʲulma] ✧ QL/50