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ᴱQ. #veakirya n. “sea-ship” (Category: Ship)

A word ᴱQ. veakirya “sea-ship” from the Earendel poem and its drafts from around 1930, appearing only in its genitive form veakiryo in the phrase langon veakiryo kírier “the throat of the sea-ship clove” (MC/216; PE16/100). It is a combination of ᴱQ. vea “sea” and ᴱQ. kirya “ship”.

Neo-Quenya: I would retain this term as ᴺQ. vëacirya “sea-ship” for purposes of Neo-Quenya used of stronger ocean-going ships, with the assumption that its initial element is a reduction of the later word Q. váya “ocean, sea”.

References ✧ MC/216; PE16/100, 104


veakirjo genitive   ✧ PE16/104
veakiryo genitive “of the sea-ship” ✧ MC/216; PE16/100


vea² “sea”
kirya “ship, boat”

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