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Q. lacárima adj. “not feasible, impossible” (Category: to Do, Make)

A negation of cárima “feasible, possible”, first appearing as ᴹQ. alkárima “impossible to make” in the Quenya Verbal System (QVS) of the 1940s (PE22/111), then as Q. la-kárima “not feasible, impossible” in Late Notes on Verb Structure (LVS) from around 1969 (PE22/153). The 1969 variant appeared in a paragraph which started “As a prefix the reduced form la (short a) appears. This is used with verbal derivatives, nouns or adjectives ...”. Tolkien rejected this paragraph, but the new version of the paragraph read “With nouns and adjs. (not regularly attached to verbal stems, such as -ima, -ite) the form was al before vowels and usually (in all later and free formations) before initial consonants that in Q. were permitted after l”. Thus in the revised paradigm, lacárima remained valid since it was based on a verbal stem.

Neo-Quenya: For purposes of Neo-Quenya, I would keep ᴺQ. lacárima “not feasible, impossible”.

Reference ✧ PE22/153 ✧ la-kárima “not feasible, impossible”



la- “not, in-, un-” ✧ PE22/153 (la)
cárima “feasible, possible (to do), able to be done”

ᴹQ. alkárima adj. “impossible to make” (Category: to Do, Make)

See Q. lacárima for discussion.

Reference ✧ PE22/111 ✧ “impossible to make”



al(a)- “not, negative prefix”
kárima “able to be made, feasible”
-ima “able to be done, -able, -ible” ✧ PE22/111 (-imā)