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ᴺQ. !capaitë adj. “leaping, bounding” (Category: Leaping)

ᴺQ. !capaitë, adj. “leaping, bounding” [created by Paul Strack] (Category: Leaping)
See ᴱQ. haloite for discussion.


ᴹQ. kap- “to leap”
Q. -itë “adjectival ending; [with verbs] capable of doing, generally (and naturally) doing”

ᴱQ. haloite adj. “leaping” (Category: Leaping)

The Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s had an adjective ᴱQ. kapalima “bounding, leaping” under the early root ᴱ√KAPA “leap, spring” (QL/45). It also had ᴱQ. haloite “leaping” under the early root ᴱ√HALA (QL/39).

Neo-Quenya: Neither of these early words work for purposes of Neo-Quenya, since -ima means “able to done” in Tolkien’s later writings and the root √KHAL changed in meaning. I would blend these into ᴺQ. capaitë “leaping, bounding”, as combination of [ᴹQ.] kap- “jump” with the suffix -itë “apt to do”.

References ✧ LT1A/Haloisi Velikë; QL/39



ᴱ√HALA ✧ LT1A/Haloisi Velikë; QL/39
#-ite ✧ QL/39 (#-ite)

ᴱQ. kapalima adj. “bounding, leaping” (Category: Leaping)

See ᴱQ. haloite for discussion.

Reference ✧ QL/45 ✧ “bounding, leaping”


kap- “to jump, leap” ✧ QL/45 (#kapa-)
-ima “-able, possible” ✧ QL/45 (#-alima)

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