Neo-Sindarin Neologisms

Words in this section are neologisms (fan-invented words) for Neo-Sindarin. These words are listed here to make it easier to evaluate them independently of the words created by Tolkien. Many of these “neologisms” are actually Tolkien-invented words (or adaptations of such words) that have been updated to be more consistent with the later forms of his languages. The language of the original form is in brackets, for example: ᴺS. [N.] laug “warm” is an adaptation of Noldorin lhaug to be consistent with the phonology of Sindarin. Words adapted from the earliest versions of the language (Early Noldorin [ᴱN.] or Gnomish [G.] from 1910-1930) are also treated as neologisms to more accurately reflect their degree of acceptance among authors of Neo-Sindarin.

There can be considerable disagreement among fans of Elvish about the “right” way to add words into Tolkien’s languages, and different creators may use differing approaches. Where available, the creator of each word is listed next to the neologism, as well as the community or site in which the word was introduced. Unmarked “neologisms” are simply early words from before 1930 adopted without any changes beyond simple orthographic updates. Those marked with a “^” are early words that have gone through some minor changes from early forms to better fit the linguistic structures of Tolkien’s later languages. Those marked with a “!” are pure inventions, though they are based in some way on Tolkien’s linguistic elements.


ᴺS. [G.] ^abor² adj. “following, succeeding, close behind (of place), next behind or after (time or place)” ⇐ S. aphad- (active-participle) « G. obra
ᴺS. [G.] ^anwen n. “approach, avenue” ⇐ √NA/ANA + √MEN « G. adhwen
ᴺS. !cýranor n. “new sun after solstice” ⇐ S. cŷr + S. Anor [created by Echuidor]
ᴺS. !dertha- v. “to complicate, (lit.) make difficult” < √DER [created by Echuidor]
ᴺS. [G.] drô n. “wheel track, rut”
ᴺS. [G.] ^drogol n. “cart” < √NOR « G. drogla
ᴺS. !estelia- v. “to hope for, trust in” ⇐ S. estel [created by David Salo]
ᴺS. !ethol- v. “to come forth, come out” ⇐ S. ed¹ + S. #tol- [created by Rínor]
ᴺS. [G.] ger n. “ore, [unrefined] metal” < ^ᴺ√GYEREN
ᴺS. !glandor n. “march, mark, boundary land” ⇐ S. glân² + S. dôr [created by Valerie]
ᴺS. !gwelf n. “aircraft [general term]” ⇐ ᴹ√WIL + ✶-mā [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. !gwilchair n. “airplane”gwil- + S. cair [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺS. !helia- v. “to exalt” < √KHAL [created by Echuidor]
ᴺS. !hîm n. “beer”
ᴺS. !hond n. “(emotional) heart, (seat of the) deepest feelings” < ✶khomdō [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
ᴺS. [G.] -iof suf. “-bearing” < ᴹ√YAB
ᴺS. !lhog- n. “to swallow” < ᴹ√SLUK [created by Echuidor, Vyacheslav Stepanov]
ᴺS. !nachav- v. “to summon”
ᴺS. !senu adj. “usual, *ordinary, common” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !talphad n. “footstep” ⇐ S. tâl + S. pâd [created by Echuidor]
ᴺS. !tenu n. “compass” ⇐ √TEN + ✶-mā [created by EruannoVG, Vyacheslav Stepanov]
ᴺS. [G.] thol- v. “to roll”
ᴺS. [G.] tholos n. “axle [of a wheel]”thol-

Version 0.8.10

ᴺS. !aetha- v. “to narrow (intr.); to besiege [with o(h)]” < ᴹ√AK [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. !aethad(a)- v. “to (make something) narrow” ⇐ !aetha- [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. !aethas n. “siege” ⇐ !aetha- [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. !angab- v. “to assail, (lit.) towards-leap” ⇐ √NA/ANA + S. #cab- [created by Parmandil]
ᴺS. !annor- v. “to attack, assault, (lit.) towards-run” ⇐ √NA/ANA + S. nor- [created by Parmandil]
ᴺS. !athraweth- v. “to communicate, (lit.) inform to and fro” ⇐ S. athra-¹ + S. #gweth- [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺS. !feleitha- v. “to excavate, tunnel, mine” < *√PHELEG [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] gobab- v. “to shake” ⇐ S. go- + ᴺ√PAP
ᴺS. !gwesta- v. “to witness” < *√PHELEG [created by Parmandil]
ᴺS. [N.] ^gwoe n. “envelope” « N. ui²
ᴺS. !lach- v. “to kick” < ᴹ√LAKH [created by Parmandil]
ᴺS. [G.] laud n. “tide, motion of the sea; ⚠️flood; high tide” < √LUT
ᴺS. !lurloth n. “poppy, (lit.) flower of sleep” ⇐ ^lûr + S. loth [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !mengyl n. “messenger, (lit.) message-bearer” ⇐ !ment + √KOL [created by Luinyelle]


ᴺS. !cadudew n. “allomorph, (lit.) shaped sign” ⇐ ^cadu + S. têw [created by Ellanto, Luinyelle]
ᴺS. !cammui adj. “suitable, fitting, convenient” ⇐ !camma- [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !dollon [nd-] n. “phoneme, underlying sound, (lit.) hidden-sound” ⇐ ᴹ√(N)DUL + S. lhôn [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. !emma- v. “to paint, draw (something)” < √EM¹ [created by Arael]
ᴺS. !emmas v. “painting, drawing” < √EM¹ [created by Arael]
ᴺS. !glorchadhu n. “lotus, (lit.) golden seat” ⇐ S. glaur + S. hadhu [created by Echuidor]
ᴺS. !io conj. “when” < √YA [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. !lamel n. “phonetics” ⇐ S. lam¹ [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. !lamengolu n. “linguistics” ⇐ S. lam¹ + √ÑGOL¹ [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. !lhongannas n. “phonology, (lit.) shapes of sounds” ⇐ !lhongant [created by Ellanto, Luinyelle]
ᴺS. !lhongant n. “allophone, surface sound, (lit.) sound-shape” ⇐ S. lhôn + S. #cant [created by Ellanto, Luinyelle]
ᴺS. !nennibis n. “waterlily, (lit.) water snowflake” ⇐ S. nen + ^nibis [created by Fëastorno, Echuidor]
ᴺS. !paethas n. “grammar, speech-system” ⇐ S. paeth [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. !partham n. “library” ⇐ N. parf + N. tham [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. !pesgannas n. “syntax, study of syntactical structures, (lit.) shapes of phrases” ⇐ !pesgant [created by Ellanto, Luinyelle]
ᴺS. !pesgant n. “syntax, syntactical structure, (lit.) phrase-shape”pess¹ + S. #cant [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. !pethgannas n. “morphology, (lit.) shapes of words” ⇐ !pethgant [created by Ellanto, Luinyelle]
ᴺS. !pethgant n. “surface representation (of a word), (lit.) word-shape” ⇐ S. peth + S. #cant [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. !pethlongannas n. “morphophonology” ⇐ !pethgannas + !lhongannas [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. [G.] ^sith n. “affair, matter” ⇐ S. « G. cith
ᴺS. !tengolu n. “semantics” ⇐ √TEÑ + √ÑGOL¹ [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. !tewig n. “morpheme” ⇐ S. têw [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. [G.] thas- v. “to shave” < ^ᴺ√THATH
ᴺS. [G.] ^thasg adj. “shaven” < ^ᴺ√THATH « G. thasc
ᴺS. [G.] thasgim n. “razor, (lit.) shave-blade”thas- + cim
ᴺS. [G.] thast n. “shaving(s)” < ^ᴺ√THATH
ᴺS. !tírad(a)- n. “to correct, straighten, rectify” ⇐ N. tîr + ᴺQ. !térata- [created by Echuidor and Vyacheslav Stepanov]


ᴺS. !asgath n. “skeleton”asg + S. -ath [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. !dúnen adj. “western” ⇐ S. dûn [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. !elchith n. “nebula, star cloud” ⇐ S. †êl + S. hîth [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. !ennais n. “signature, (lit.) name sign” ⇐ ᴺ√EN + S. taith [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. !fordûn n. “northwest” ⇐ S. forn + S. dûn [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. !fordúnen adj. “northwestern” ⇐ S. forn + !dúnen [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. !forrûn n. “northeast” ⇐ S. forn + S. rhûn [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. !forrúnen adj. “northeast” ⇐ S. forn + S. rhúnen [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. !gwar- n. “to yield, give way, surrender” < ᴹ√WAR [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. !hardûn n. “southwest” ⇐ S. harn + S. dûn [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. !hardúnen adj. “southwestern” ⇐ S. harn + !dúnen [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. !harrûn n. “southeast” ⇐ S. harn + S. rhûn [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. !harrúnen adj. “southeast” ⇐ S. harn + S. rhúnen [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. !laidh adj. “horizontal, (lit.) lying flat” < √LAD [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. !narth n. “list, (lit.) product of recitation” < ᴹ√NYAR [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. !nista- v. “to press, thrust, force (in a given direction)” < √NID [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. !paron n. “full-moon” ⇐ √KWA + S. #Raun [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. !press n. “trouble, disturbance” < ᴹ√PERES [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. *reth n. “endurance” < √RETH [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
ᴺS. !tair adj. “vertical, (lit.) standing” < √TAR [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. !talphres n. “mischief, (lit.) play(ful)-trouble/disturbance” ⇐ ᴹ√TYAL + !press [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. !talphressui adj. “mischievous” ⇐ !talphres [created by Ellanto]

Version 0.8.09

ᴺS. !cerf n. “knife” ⇐ √KIR + ✶-mā [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^tehar n. “brick” « ᴱN. teiar

Version 0.8.08

ᴺS. !dannod- v. “to untie, undo, unloose” ⇐ S. dan + N. nod-² [created by Gilruin]
ᴺS. [G.] ^drauthiel adj. “arduous, labourious”drautha- (perfective-participle) « G. drauthiol
ᴺS. [G.] ^fileb n. “fern” « G. fileg
ᴺS. [G.] finios n. “larch” < ᴹ√SPIN
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] -garn suf. “-made” ⇐ S. car-
ᴺS. !haena- v. “to leave, depart, (lit.) be(come) distant” < ᴹ√KHAY [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [G.] hemp n. “band, bond; ⚠️cord” < √KHEP
ᴺS. !ivil n. “inside” ⇐ √MI/IMI + ✶-(a)lē [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. [G.] ^mablanthos n. “sycamore” ⇐ S. mâb + ^plant « G. mavlantos
ᴺS. !mirith n. “jewelry” ⇐ √MIR + S. -th [created by Ellanto, NotD]
ᴺS. [G.] nala n. “(yellow) lily”
ᴺS. [G.] ^noch n. “acorn” « G. nocha
ᴺS. !ola- v. “to become” < ✶olā- [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] omlos n. “chestnut tree, *chestnut”
ᴺS. !ress² adj. “cleft, cloven, separate” < ✶rinsa
ᴺS. [G.] rig-¹ v. “to twist, contort; *to confuse, disarrange, upset” < √RIK²
ᴺS. [G.] ^sov- v. “to wash clean, bathe” < ^ᴺ√SOW « G. sô-
ᴺS. !sûn n. “bath” < ^ᴺ√SOW
ᴺS. [G.] thâf n. “hay”
ᴺS. [G.] ^thuis n. “resinous juice; any adhesive substance” < ^ᴺ√THUK « G. thuith

Version 0.8.07

ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^bar- [mb-] v. “to live, dwell, stay” < √MBAR « ᴱN. #meria-
ᴺS. !bardhor [mb-] adj. “habitable” ⇐ S. bardh [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] barna- [mb-] v. “to till (land), *cultivate; (orig.) to dwell in (a land)” < √MBAR
ᴺS. [G.] baron [mb-] adj. “tilled, inhabited” < √MBAR
ᴺS. !edanna- v. “to publish, (lit.) out-give” ⇐ S. ed¹ + S. #anna- [created by Cellindir, NotD]
ᴺS. !fend n. “threshold” < √PHEN
ᴺS. !lothalan n. “raft, (lit.) floating platform” ⇐ √LUT + S. talan [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. [G.] ^sardh n. “table” < √THAR¹ « G. sard

Version 0.8.06

ᴺS. [G.] brach n. “shawl, wrap, ⚠️plaid” < !ᴺ√BARAK
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^braetha- v. “to wrap, swathe” < !ᴺ√BARAK
ᴺS. !caraed adj. “effective, productive, effectual, efficacious” [created by Röandil, NotD]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] cranna- v. “to accomplish, finish, complete, [G.] achieve” < √KAR
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^crannen adj. “perfect”cranna- (passive-participle) « ᴱN. cranthir
ᴺS. [G.] fass n. “tassle” < ᴹ√PHAS
ᴺS. [G.] ^fathol n. “(tasselled) fringe”fass « G. fathli
ᴺS. [G.] ^fathren adj. “tasselled”fass + S. #-ren « G. fathrin
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] garob n. “robe, [G.] outer garment, ⚠️cloak”
ᴺS. [G.] laub n. “shirt” < √LAP
ᴺS. [G.] ôf n. “hood”
ᴺS. !parchol n. “towel” ⇐ N. parch [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^saeb² n. “boot” < ^ᴺ√S(A)YAP « G. saib
ᴺS. [G.] thisin adj. “parched, withered, *desiccated” < ^ᴺ√THITH

Version 0.8.05

ᴺS. !amorvad n. “breakfast” ⇐ !amor + mâd [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !banna- [mb-] v. “to imprison” < ᴹ√(M)BAD [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !bannan [mb-] n. “prisoner, (lit.) imprisoned-one” ⇐ !banna- [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [G.] ^cevorf n. “potato, (lit.) earth-apple” ⇐ ᴹ√KEM + orf « G. grothorf [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^cor- v. “to turn sour, curdle, congeal; to make cheese” < ᴺ√KYUR « ᴱN. cirtha-
ᴺS. [G.] ^corth n. “curd” ⇐ ^cor- « G. curth
ᴺS. !cothren adj. “hostile” ⇐ S. #coth + S. #-ren [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. !cuid adj. “hostile” < √KOT [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. !ged- [ng-] v. “to get, catch, obtain, take” < ^ᴺ√Ñ(G)ET [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. !indram n. “shock, (lit.) mind-blow” ⇐ S. ind + N. dram [created by Amarwain, NotD]
ᴺS. !loph n. “nugget, (small) chunk, clump, tidbit” ⇐ √*LUB³ + ✶-i(n)ki [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. [G.] losbas n. “ryebread”losc + S. #bas(t)
ᴺS. [G.] losc n. “rye”
ᴺS. !mellavan n. “pet, (lit.) love-animal” ⇐ S. #mel- + S. lavan [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !minol n. “ingot” ⇐ √MI/IMI + √UL [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. !nodui adj. “some, few, several” ⇐ S. #nod- + S. -ui [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [G.] ^olf n. “jar, flagon, *pitcher” ⇐ √UL + ✶-mā « G. ulm
ᴺS. [G.] orfing n. “pear, *(lit.) hair-apple”orf + S. fing
ᴺS. [G.] ^perol n. “jar” < √KWER « G. ceral [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !sarth n. “note, jot, scribbling” < ᴺQ. !sartë [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^soethor n. “drinking-horn” ⇐ √SOK + ᴹ√TARAK « G. socthor
ᴺS. !tain n. “letter, epistle, missive” < ✶teknā [created by Röandil]
⚠️ᴺS. !taith n. “note, jot, scribbling, (lit.) a little writing” < √TEK [created by Röandil, NotD]
S. taith “sign, symbol; mark, [N.] stroke; ⚠️[G.] letter”
ᴺS. !sarth “note, jot, scribbling”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^thalph n. “grease” « ᴱN. thalf
ᴺS. [G.] thim n. “milk (after separation)” < !ᴺ√THIM
ᴺS. [G.] ^thiv- v. “to skim” < !ᴺ√THIM « G. thin- [created by Paul Strack]


ᴺS. !balf n. “excitement, emotion” < √GWAL [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !dilith [nd-] n. “friendship” ⇐ √N(D)IL + S. -th [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !golthor n. “teacher” < √ÑGOL¹ [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !guir adj. “slow” < √GUR [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴺS. !gwachon n. “(sworn) brother, associate” ⇐ S. go- + S. †hawn [created by Elaran]
N. gwador “(sworn) brother, associate”
⚠️ᴺS. !gwachonas n. “union, association, fellowship, society” ⇐ !gwachon [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !gwadoras “union, association, fellowship, society”
ᴺS. !milf n. “greed” < √MILIK [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !mirtha- v. “to value, esteem, treasure, cherish” ⇐ √MIR + ✶-tā [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !saelas n. “wisdom” ⇐ S. #sael + S. #-as [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !tell adj. “last, final (in a series)” ⇐ √TEL + ✶-nā [created by Elaran]


ᴺS. !gwimmaf n. “whale, (lit.) sheep of the waves” ⇐ S. gwing + !maf
ᴺS. !lhassa- v. “to hear” < √SLAS [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !maf n. “sheep” < ✶māmā [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !mavron n. “shepherd, herdsman” ⇐ !maf + S. #-(r)on
ᴺS. !pela(h) prep. “along, (lit.) by the boundary of” ⇐ √PEL + √AS² [created by Luinyelle, Ellanto]

Version 0.8.04

ᴺS. [G.] ^aliavren adj. “barren” ⇐ ^iavren « G. uivrin
ᴺS. !allu adv. “never” ⇐ S. al-¹ + ^ [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] amoth n. “shoulder” < √AM²
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^asgeb adj. “bony”asg « ᴱN. asgatheb
ᴺS. [G.] ^bach n. “jacket, coat” « G. bacha
ᴺS. !gaeda- v. “to astound, make aghast (& surprise, shock)” < √GAY(AR) [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] gwesg adv. and adj. “weakly, *weak”
ᴺS. !harnas n. “harm, damage” ⇐ N. harn² [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
ᴺS. !haudha- v. “to lay in store; to hoard, save, record; to bury” < √KHAWAD [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] hich- v. “to vomit”
ᴺS. [G.] ^hweg n. “broom” < ᴺ√SWEK « G. fweg
ᴺS. [G.] ^hwegol n. “brush” ⇐ ^hweg « G. fwegli
ᴺS. [G.] ^hwegra- v. “to sweep” ⇐ ^hweg « G. fwegra-
ᴺS. !imladren adj. “vale like, of the vale” ⇐ S. imlad [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^irdh n. “entrails, bowels, innards” < ᴱ✶ʒirdǝ « ᴱN. girdh [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !lhunc n. “pharynx, gullet” < ᴹ√SLUK [created by Paul Strack, Ygrain]
ᴺS. !logweg adj. “meandering, twisting, winding; intricate; (lit.) apt to bend” ⇐ √LOK + S. -weg¹ [created by Paul Strack, Gilruin]
ᴺS. [G.] lui n. “blueness; livor, livid mark, *bruise” < √LUY
ᴺS. [G.] manc n. “grip, grasp, hold” < √MAH
ᴺS. !milt n. “semen”
ᴺS. [G.] ^molnel n. “molar” ⇐ !mol- + N. nêl « G. molnaith
ᴺS. !mûg n. “dung” < ᴺ√MUK [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !naden prep. “until, up to, as far as” ⇐ S. na¹ + √TEN [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !nadh- v. “to chew, gnaw” < ᴹ√NYAD
ᴺS. [G.] ^nagnel n. “incisor (tooth)” ⇐ N. nag- + N. nêl « G. nacthanaith
ᴺS. !nelluin n. “bluebell” ⇐ N. nell + S. luin [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
ᴺS. !ordh n. “boil, pus” ⇐ √UR + ✶-dā [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !rhufaug adj. “drunken” ⇐ S. rhu- + N. faug
ᴺS. [G.] rôn n. “liver” < √RON²
ᴺS. [G.] rov- v. “to tear” < ^ᴺ√RUB
ᴺS. !saera- v. “to urinate” ⇐ N. saer [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !saerlin n. “urine” ⇐ N. saer + √LIN¹ [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^sunt n. “nostrils” < √ « G. hunt
ᴺS. [N.] ^tellyn n. “sole of foot” « N. tellen
ᴺS. [G.] tent n. “toe” < √TEN
ᴺS. !thúna- v. “to be spiritually affected, inspired” < √THŪ [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !thúnas n. “inspiration” ⇐ !thúna- [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [G.] tîl n. “scab, cicatrice, healing of a wound” < √TELU
ᴺS. !úlam adj. “dumb, unable to speak, (lit.) untongued” ⇐ S. ú- + S. lam¹

Version 0.8.03

ᴺS. !aemar n. “rookery, colony of birds” ⇐ S. aew + S. bâr [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !aerem n. “icon” ⇐ S. aer + !em [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^alfeg n. “cygnet, young swan” ⇐ S. alph + S. -eg¹ « ᴱN. elflin
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^alfuil n. “large white sea-bird, albatross, ⚠️†swan” ⇐ S. alph + N. uil « ᴱN. alfuilin
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] amrent n. “lark”
ᴺS. !anna- v. “to thank” < √HAN [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !annad n. “thanks” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [S.] ^cafor n. “flea” « S. cáfru
ᴺS. !cilith n. “choice, choosing, *selection” < √KIL [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [G.] fôf n. “fool” < ᴺ√PHOB
ᴺS. !fovas n. “folly”fôf
ᴺS. [G.] ^fyvril n. “moth” < !ᴺ√PHUM « G. fufril [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] gwem n. “worm” < ^ᴺ√WEB
ᴺS. [G.] ^gwí adv. “just, just now, only just, already” < √WIN « G. gui [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. [G.] ^hilf coll. “posterity; one’s descendants, progeny, offspring” < √KHIL « G. hilm
ᴺS. [G.] ^huar n. “wild dog” < ᴹ√KHUG « G. saur
ᴺS. [G.] huil¹ n. “bitch, *female dog” < ᴹ√KHUG
ᴺS. [G.] ^huil² n. “hen” < ✶kholyē « G. uil
ᴺS. !langan(d) n. “stringed instrument with a neck (lute, guitar, etc.)” ⇐ S. lang + ᴹ√ÑGAN(AD) [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
ᴺS. !ledia- v. “to open; unlock (transitive)” < √LAT¹ [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. [G.] ^lítha- v. “to let slip, lose, mislay; (intr.) to be lost; forget” < √LIK « G. laith(r)a- [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !maeras n. “goodness” ⇐ S. maer + S. #-as [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
ᴺS. [G.] mast n. “fodder, feed, ⚠️food, nourishment” < √MAT
ᴺS. !movan adv. “how, (lit.) by means of what” ⇐ !mo + S. man [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
ᴺS. !munneg n. “calf” ⇐ S. mund + S. -eg¹
ᴺS. [G.] ^munnost n. “byre, cowhouse” ⇐ S. mund + S. ost « G. mûst
ᴺS. [G.] ^nethor n. “herd, flock” < ᴺ√NES « G. nethron
ᴺS. [G.] ^níwost n. “hive” ⇐ ^nîw + S. ost « G. niost [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^niwrim n. “swarm” ⇐ ^nîw (class-plural) « G. niogrim [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^porochuil n. “hen”porog + ^huil² « G. porogwil
ᴺS. [G.] porogog n. “the clucking and noise of fowls”porog
ᴺS. !red- v. “to climb” ⇐ √RET [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^regil n. “mare” ⇐ ᴹ√ROK + S. -il « ᴱN. bregil
ᴺS. [G.] ^tisga- v. “to tickle” ⇐ ^tisg « G. tisca-
ᴺS. !toch n. “cud” < ᴺ√TYUK [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] tódhi n. “paddock” < ^ᴺ√TAD
ᴺS. !tolf n. “mast” ⇐ ᴹ✶tyulmā [created by Gilruin, Quirinius]

Version 0.8.02

ᴺS. !anuir adv. “forever, everlastingly, eternally, in eternity” ⇐ S. an + N. uir [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !cirias n. “fleet (of ships)” ⇐ S. cair + S. #-as
ᴺS. !Forchalad n. “aurora, (lit.) northern radiance” ⇐ S. forn + S. calad [created by Röandil, Gilruin]
ᴺS. [G.] gochest n. “brother and brother, brother and sister, etc., *a set of siblings”hest
ᴺS. [G.] goredhin adj. “sib, akin, [closely] related”redhin
ᴺS. !gu prep. “(together) with” < ✶ [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
ᴺS. !Harchalad n. “aurora, (lit.) southern radiance” ⇐ S. harn + S. calad [created by Röandil, Gilruin]
ᴺS. [G.] hest n. “sibling” < ^ᴺ√KHETH
ᴺS. !hwiel n. “niece”
ᴺS. [G.] ^hwion n. “nephew” « G. fwion
ᴺS. !iorbeth n. “archaism, archaic word” ⇐ S. iaur + S. peth
ᴺS. !mo prep. “by (agent of)” < T. má² [created by Quirinius]
ᴺS. !narvaenas n. “firework” ⇐ S. naur + N. maenas [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
ᴺS. [G.] ^nogen n. “boy, lad, urchin; *(orig.) short (of persons)” < √NUK « G. nogin
ᴺS. !penestel n. and adj. “hopelessness, despair, desperation; hopeless, despairing, desperate” ⇐ S. pen¹ + S. estel
ᴺS. [G.] redhin adj. “related” < ^ᴺ√RE(N)D
ᴺS. [G.] rend² n. “male cousin, relative” < ^ᴺ√RE(N)D
ᴺS. [G.] siel n. “granddaughter” ⇐ S. -iel¹
ᴺS. [G.] sion n. “grandson” ⇐ S. -ion¹
ᴺS. !thaetha- v. “to split” < ᴹ√STAK [created by Gilruin]

Version 0.8.01

ᴺS. !aglad n. “lightning” ⇐ !agla- [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !amor n. “morning, early day” ⇐ S. #am + S. aur
ᴺS. !athren adj. “dusty” ⇐ N. ast [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !cethia- v. “to cause interest, to interest (oneself)” ⇐ √KETH [created by Jack Harrison]
ᴺS. !cethiol adj. “interesting” ⇐ !cethia- (active-participle) [created by Jack Harrison]
ᴺS. !cevemphast n. “earth quake” ⇐ S. ceven + ^past [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^dolph [nd-] n. “mole” < ᴹ√NDOL « G. dolfa
ᴺS. !eriab n. “badger” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !fanu n. “vapour, steam” < √PHAN
ᴺS. !golof n. “consonant” ⇐ S. go- + √LAM [created by Lothenon, Jack Harrison]
ᴺS. !haeda- v. “to remove, (lit.) make distant” < ᴹ√KHAY [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !hellen adj. “frozen”hel- (passive-participle) [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !ilu n. “universe, the whole, cosmos” < ✶ilū [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !mûn n. “womb” < √
ᴺS. !nich n. “frost” < √NIK(W)
ᴺS. !perthol n. “peninsula” ⇐ S. #per- + S. tol(l) [created by Gilruin]
ᴺS. [G.] pruin n. “charcoal” < √RUY
ᴺS. !rínada- v. “to crown, coronate” ⇐ ^rîn [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !rostaur n. “rainforest” ⇐ S. ross¹ + S. taur [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !sarneg n. “pebble” ⇐ S. sarn
ᴺS. !tiniath n. “group of stars, star-cluster, constellation” ⇐ S. tîn¹ (class-plural) [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^tudh n. “tinder” < ᴺ√TUD « G. tuth
ᴺS. !úgethiol adj. “boring, (lit.) not interesting” ⇐ S. ú- + !cethiol [created by Jack Harrison]
ᴺS. [N.] ^uil- v. “to rain” « N. eil-
ᴺS. !úvae n. and adj. “vowel; vocalic” ⇐ ✶ōma [created by Lothenon, Paul Strack]

Version 0.8.00

ᴺS. !adbannad(a)- v. “to refill” ⇐ S. #ad- + N. #pannad(a)-
ᴺS. !adlannas n. “downfall, ruin” ⇐ ^adlant [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. !avauth n. “ravishment; seizure” ⇐ !avautha-
ᴺS. !avautha- v. “to ravish, seize (forcibly)” < √MAP
ᴺS. !avauthron n. “seizer, ravisher” ⇐ !avautha-
ᴺS. [G.] beltha- v. “to open out (transitive), expand, unroll, set sail” < ^ᴺ√BELU
ᴺS. !esgia- v. “to smoke (intr.)” < √USUK [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^fesg adj. “itching, irritating” < ^ᴺ√PHES « G. fesc [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^fesga- v. “to itch, irritate” < ^ᴺ√PHES « G. fesca- [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] fess n. “itch, itching” < ^ᴺ√PHES
ᴺS. [S.] fuir adj. “[N.] right (hand); ⚠️north”
ᴺS. [G.] ^gaesen adj. “of steel” ⇐ ^gaes « G. gaisin
ᴺS. !gaessarn n. “pearl, (lit.) sea-pebble” ⇐ S. gaear + S. sarn [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !goven n. “crossroads” ⇐ √WO + √MEN [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. [G.] irn adj. “desired, wished for” < √IR
ᴺS. [G.] masta- v. “to [put to] feed, graze” < ✶masta-
ᴺS. [G.] ^mavras n. “desire, eager longing” ⇐ ^mavor « G. mavros
ᴺS. !mîg prep. “among” < √MI/IMI [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [G.] ^nabas n. “seizure” < √NAP « G. nabos [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !naeras n. “sorrow, woe” ⇐ S. naer [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. !nída- v. “to weep, cry (tears)” ⇐ ᴹ√NEY + ✶-tā [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] norn n. “[G.] wheel” < √NOR
ᴺS. [G.] ^oetha- v. “to lay eggs, nest” < ᴺ√OKH « G. uitha- [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !panu n. “arrangement, plan; structure, ordering; (musical) theme” < √PAN [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. !pechof n. “squirrel” [created by Lokyt]
ᴺS. !pimp n. “tail” < ᴺ√PIP [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !pítha- v. “to shoot” ⇐ ᴹ√KWIG + ✶-tā [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !runna- v. “to polish, burnish” < √RUN²
ᴺS. ! adv. “yet, hither(to), hereto” ⇐ √SI¹ + ✶-da [created by Röandil, Elaran]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^tagron n. “smith” ⇐ √TAK + S. #-(r)on « ᴱN. taglon
ᴺS. [G.] ^thirph n. “straw” < ^ᴺ√THIRIP « G. sirp
ᴺS. [G.] thrimp n. “stalk” < ^ᴺ√THIRIP
ᴺS. !tingen adj. “metallic” ⇐ N. tinc [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^ylin adj. and n. “liquid” < √UL « G. ulin [created by Paul Strack]

Version 0.7.9

ᴺS. [G.] ^branna- v. “to scorch”brant « G. brantha-
ᴺS. [G.] brant adj. “cooked, done; overdone” < !ᴺ√BRATH
ᴺS. [G.] brath- v. “to cook” < !ᴺ√BRATH
ᴺS. [G.] cim n. “blade” < √KIM [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !collorn n. “laburnum, *(lit.) orange-tree” ⇐ √KUL + S. orn [created by Steve - Ríon]
ᴺS. !colof n. “orange [fruit]” < √KUL [created by Steve - Ríon]
ᴺS. !colron n. “bearer” ⇐ !col- + S. #-(r)on [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !culuin adj. “golden-red, orange (in colour)” < √KUL [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [N.] [nd-] n. “woman, ⚠️lady, bride” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [G.] ^edol n. “ivy” < √ET « G. ethl(in) [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !egelren adj. “different, strange” ⇐ !egel [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] eglin n. “needle” < √EK
ᴺS. [G.] ^egol adv. and n. “else, something else” < ✶hekla « ᴺS. ^elch
ᴺS. !glaich adj. “merry, joyous, happy” < ᴹ√GALAS [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !gorchanui adj. “complicated, enigmatic, cryptic, hard to understand” ⇐ S. gor-¹ + ᴹ√KHAN [created by Jack Harrison]
ᴺS. !iestor n. “first day of the new year” ⇐ √*YESET + S. aur [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [G.] ladog n. “tin [metal]”
ᴺS. !lo conj. “while” < √LAƷ [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !lûb n. “fat, (fat) flesh” < ^ᴺ√LUP [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^orna- v. “to burn (tr. and intr.)” < √UR « G. urna- [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴺS. !thint n. “tin (metal)” < √THIN [created by Steve - Ríon]
ᴺS. ladog “tin [metal]”
ᴺS. [G.] ^tisg adj. “ticklish” < ᴺ√KIT « G. tisc
ᴺS. !tor- v. “to win, have victory” < √TUR [created by Steve - Ríon]

Version 0.7.8

ᴺS. !baura- [mb-] v. “to need, require” ⇐ N. baur [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !caeda- v. “to lie; to lay (down)” < √KAY
ᴺS. [G.] ^cauda- v. “to get flavour of, perceive, notice; ⚠️to taste (of the taster or person)” < √KYAW « G. cautha-¹
ᴺS. [G.] ^caudol adj. “tasteful, endowed with good taste; discreet, circumspect” ⇐ ^cauda- « G. cauthiol
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^en adv. “then, [G.] that past, ⚠️that by you, that already mentioned (by you)” < √EN « ᴱN. en
ᴺS. !iannen adj. “joined, connected” < √YAN²
ᴺS. !naw interj. “yes” < √
ᴺS. !nî- v. “was” < ✶ [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !oman adv. “whence, from where, (lit.) from what” ⇐ S. o + S. man [created by Fiona Jallings, FGNS]
ᴺS. !orvel- v. “to favour, *(lit.) love above” ⇐ N. or + S. #mel- [created by Hialmr, Elaran]
ᴺS. !run- v. “to rub, grind” < √RUN²

Version 0.7.7

ᴺS. [G.] ^herf n. “protection, lordship, sway” < √KHER « G. herma [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !lad n. “nothing, zero” < √LA [created by Elaran]

Version 0.7.6

ᴺS. !bŷl n. “(single) service or favour” < ᴹ√BEW [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺS. !celef n. “deer, hind” < ✶kel(e)bē [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]
ᴺS. !eriad n. “rising” ⇐ N. eria- + S. #-ed¹
ᴺS. !hebia- v. “to delay, retain, keep (temporarily)” < √KHAP [created by Paul Strack]

Version 0.7.5

ᴺS. [G.] ^curunis n. “witch” ⇐ S. curu + N. #-dis « G. curus [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !ledil n. “key” < √LAT¹ [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !linnas n. “music” ⇐ S. lind¹ + S. #-as
ᴺS. [G.] ^pasta- v. “to shake, wag, nod, flap” < ᴺ√KWATH « G. cwas- [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. [G.] ^tharf n. “saw” < √THAR¹ « G. tharm

Version 0.7.4

ᴺS. !aenor n. “god” < √AYA(N) [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !colui adj. “light (to carry), not heavy, (lit.) carryable” ⇐ !col- [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !lîdh n. “journey” < √LED [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !rach n. “danger” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !rachui adj. “dangerous” ⇐ !rach [created by Elaran]

Version 0.7.3

ᴺS. !aeron n. “saint” ⇐ S. aer + S. #-(r)on
⚠️ᴺS. !aich adv. “also” ⇐ √AS² + ✶-(i)yē [created by Elaran]
S. eithro “*also”
ᴺS. !athor n. “doctor” < √HATH [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] blaud n. “pride” < √BAL
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] blodren adj. “arrogant, *proud”blaud
ᴺS. !cauth n. “deception, lie” < √KUB [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^colch n. “box, chest” « ᴱN. cón [created by Súlien]
ᴺS. !com adj. “bellied” < ᴹ√KUM [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !cuida- v. “to bring to life, enliven, energize” < ✶koitā- [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !cum n. “belly” < ᴹ√KUM [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [S.] ^dammen- [nd-] v. “to return, go back” « S. dadwen-
ᴺS. !nem adj. “seeming, evident, probably but not necessarily so” < *√NEM [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !nemmas n. “evidence” ⇐ !nem [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !nev- v. “to seem, appear” < *√NEM [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [G.] ^nibis n. “snowflake” « G. nib
ᴺS. !radh- v. “to return (intransitive)” < √RAD [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !redhia- v. “*to return (transitive)” < √RAD [created by Shihali]
⚠️ᴺS. !sasta- v. “to put, place” < √SAT [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴺS. ^pan- “to arrange, order, settle; to set, put, place; to write a book”
ᴺS. !senc adj. and n. “mineral-like, flinty; flint” < ✶sinki [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] sinc n. “*mineral, ⚠️[G.] metal” < ✶sinki [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] tith n. “breast [of a woman], teat”
ᴺS. !túgom adj. “fat-bellied” ⇐ N. tûg + !com
ᴺS. !túgomui adj. “corpulent, (lit.) having a fat belly” ⇐ !túgom [created by Paul Strack]

Version 0.7.2

ᴺS. [ᴱN.] eithla- v. “to spring, well forth, *issue forth” ⇐ S. eithel
ᴺS. !golbar [ng-] n. “school, university, (lit.) wisdom-house” ⇐ √ÑGOL¹ + √MBAR [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !î interj. “indeed” < ᴹ√Ē¹ [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !nítha-² v. “to reduce, make small” < √NIK [created by Steve - Ríon]
ᴺS. !níthannen v. “reduced, minor” ⇐ !nítha-² [created by Steve - Ríon]
ᴺS. !poltha- v. “to (physically) enable” ⇐ √POL [created by Steve - Ríon]
⚠️ᴺS. ^rhosg adj. “russet, [N.] brown” [vetted by HSD]
S. #rhosc “russet, [N.] brown”

Version 0.7.1

ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^adaba- v. “to build, erect, establish” < √TAK « ᴱN. adag-
ᴺS. !anóren adj. “sunny” ⇐ S. Anor + S. #-en¹ [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !beinas n. “beauty” ⇐ S. bain [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !bestannen adj. “wedded, married” ⇐ !besta- [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^bethril n. “spouse (f.)” < ᴺ√BES « G. †bedhril
ᴺS. !carf n. “tool, implement, weapon” < √KAR [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !caron n. “actor, agent, doer, maker” ⇐ S. car- + S. #-(r)on [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !covas n. “community” ⇐ S. cova- [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !dambed- [nd-] v. “to answer” ⇐ S. dan + S. ped- [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !faergol n. “depression, grief, (lit.) spirit-burden” ⇐ S. caul + S. fae [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !glasta-² v. “to make happy” < ᴹ√GALAS [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !gwendren adj. “maidenly, girlish” ⇐ S. gwend
ᴺS. !gwilwist n. “weather” ⇐ ᴹ√WIL + !gwist (soft-mutation) [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !lhýda- v. “to make sick, sicken” < ᴹ√SLIW [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !mer- v. “to hope, wish, desire, want” < ᴹ√MER [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. ! adv. and prep. “(to the) inside; into” ⇐ ✶ + ✶-da [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !mîn n. “motion” < √MEN [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !mínem n. “movie, motion picture” ⇐ !mîn + !em [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !othovor adj. “too much, (lit.) abundant in a bad way” ⇐ S. oth- + N. ovor [created by Paul Strack, Shihali]
ᴺS. !raph- v. “to snatch, seize, steal” < √RAPH [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !rîth n. “effort, endeavour” ⇐ √RIK¹ + ✶-ta [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !taltha- v. “to slip, slide down, collapse” < OS. #taltha- [created by Steve - Ríon]
ᴺS. !tasta- v. “to (put to the) test, *verify” < ^ᴺ√TYATH [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴺS. !thir- v. “to seem, appear, look” < *√STIR [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !nev- “to seem, appear”
ᴺS. !thorombar n. “eagle’s nest, eyrie” ⇐ S. thoron + S. bâr [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !tosta- v. “to cough” < ᴺ√TYOS [created by Steve - Ríon]
⚠️ᴺS. !yllas n. “tea, *(lit.) drink of leaf” ⇐ !yll + S. lass [created by Steve - Ríon]
ᴺS. suithlas “tea, *(lit.) drink of leaf”

Version 0.7.0

⚠️ᴺS. !achas n. “dread, fear” [created by David Salo, GS]
S. goe “terror, great fear, [N.] dread”
⚠️ᴺS. !alben pron. “no one” ⇐ S. al-¹ + S. pen² [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !alphen “no one, nobody”
ᴺS. !alhad pron. “nowhere” ⇐ S. al-¹ + S. sad [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !alnad pron. “nothing” ⇐ S. al-¹ + N. nad [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !alphen pron. “no one, nobody” ⇐ S. al-¹ + S. pen² [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [OS.] ^ammal n. “(death) agony” < OS. amphala
⚠️ᴺS. !and n. “gate, door” < ᴹ√AD [created by David Salo, GS]
S. annon “(great) gate, door”
ᴺS. !anneth n. “(act of) giving” ⇐ S. #anna- [created by David Salo, GS]
⚠️ᴺS. !bâl¹ n. “divinity, divine power” < √BAL [created by David Salo]
ᴺS. !balas “divinity, divine power”
⚠️ᴺS. !bâl² adj. “divine” < √BAL [created by David Salo]
ᴺS. !balaen “divine”
ᴺS. !balas n. “divinity, divine power” < √BAL
⚠️ᴺS. !bannen adj. “gone” ⇐ N. *bad- [created by David Salo, GS]
S. gwanwen “departed, *gone, lost [to time], past”
ᴺS. !bedhril n. “judge (f.)” ⇐ N. #badh- [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !brêg adj. “lively, sudden, quick” < ᴹ√BEREK [created by Ambar Eldaron]
ᴺS. !bronad n. “survival” ⇐ N. brona- [created by David Salo, GS]
⚠️ᴺS. !cambaen num. card. “forty” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !caphaen “forty”
ᴺS. !ceredis n. “crafter (f.)” ⇐ S. car- + N. #-dis [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !cin pron. “you (sg. fam.)” < ✶ki [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !cîn pron. “your (sg. fam.)” < ✶ki [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !cirion n. “sailor, shipman” ⇐ S. cair + S. #-(r)on [created by David Salo, GS]
ᴺS. !conui adj. “commanding” ⇐ S. caun¹ [created by David Salo, GS]
ᴺS. !coranor n. “solar year, (lit.) sun-round” ⇐ S. cor + S. Anor [created by Shihali]
ᴺS. !dagnis [nd-] n. “slayer, bane (f.)” ⇐ S. dagnir [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !degil [nd] n. “victor, winner” < √NDAK [created by Ambar Eldaron]
ᴺS. !dêl n. “disgust” < ᴹ√DYEL [created by Ambar Eldaron]
ᴺS. !dov- v. “to lie heavy” < ᴹ√DUB [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !dúda- [nd-] v. “to lower [something]” < ✶ndūtā- [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !duia- [nd-] v. “to descend, sink, set [of sun]” < ✶ndūya- [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴺS. !dŷr [nd] n. “successor” < ᴹ✶ndeuro [created by Ambar Eldaron]
S. dŷr “mistaken, off point, not right”
S. #hîl “heir”
⚠️ᴺS. !echuira- v. “to come to life” < ✶etkoiru- [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !echuiru- “to come to life”
⚠️ᴺS. !edlothia- v. “to flower, blossom” ⇐ S. ed¹ + S. loth [created by David Salo, GS]
ᴺS. ^losta-¹ “to bloom, blossom”
⚠️ᴺS. !enebaen num. card. “sixty” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !enephaen “sixty”
⚠️ᴺS. !enem num. card. “sixteen” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !paeneg “sixteen”
ᴺS. !erchion adj. “orchish” ⇐ S. orch [created by David Salo, GS]
ᴺS. !erthad n. “union, uniting” ⇐ S. #ertha- [created by David Salo, GS]
ᴺS. !feredis n. “hunter (f.)” ⇐ N. feredir [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️ᴺS. !galdol interj. “welcome” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !maedol “welcome”
ᴺS. !golthannen [ng-] adj. “learned, educated” ⇐ !goltha-
ᴺS. !golthas [ng-] n. “education, erudition” ⇐ !goltha-
ᴺS. !gonoded n. “counting, accounting; ⚠️reckoning” ⇐ N. gonod- [created by David Salo, GS]
ᴺS. [G.] ^govod n. “companionship, living together; community, fellowship, *(orig.) eating-together” < ^ᴺ✶womātē « G. gomod
ᴺS. [S.] ^gwachae adj. “far away” ⇐ N. #gwa-² + S. hae « S. #gwahae [created by Ambar Eldaron]
ᴺS. !gwe pron. “we (inclusive)” < ✶we [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !gwen pron. “us (inclusive)” ⇐ !gwe [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !gwîn pron. “our (inclusive)” ⇐ !gwe [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️ᴺS. !hannad n. “thanks” ⇐ !hanna- [created by Ambar Eldaron]
ᴺS. !annad “thanks”
ᴺS. !hedril n. “thrower (f.)” ⇐ N. had- [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️ᴺS. !iâd² n. “fence” [created by David Salo, GS]
S. iath “fence”
ᴺS. !ilhad pron. “everywhere” ⇐ S. il + S. sad [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !ilnad pron. “everything” ⇐ S. il + N. nad [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !ilphen pron. “everyone” ⇐ S. il + S. pen² [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️ᴺS. !lae- v. “to not be” < ✶lā- [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !law² “not”
ᴺS. !lalweg adj. “cheerful” ⇐ S. #lala- + S. -weg¹ [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !lann n. “thin cloth, tissue” < ᴹ√LAN [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️ᴺS. !lastor n. “eavesdropper” ⇐ S. lasta- [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. ^lathron “hearer, listener, eavesdropper”
ᴺS. !law¹ n. “sound” < √LAM [created by Fayanzār]
⚠️ᴺS. !law² adv. “not” < √LA [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
S. û “no, not, [G.] nor”
ᴺS. [G.] ^lemma- v. “to beckon, crook the finger” < √LEP « G. lempa-
⚠️ᴺS. !lemmui num. ord. “fifth” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
S. levnui “fifth”
ᴺS. !lóran n. “seasonal year, (lit.) growth-cycle” ⇐ √LAW + ^rand [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !luig n. “minute, moment” ⇐ ^ + S. -eg¹ [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !me pron. “we (exclusive)” < ✶me [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !melethor n. “lover” ⇐ N. meleth [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !mengui num. ord. “thousandth” ⇐ S. #meneg [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !merifind adj. “Black-haired” ⇐ ✶mori + S. find [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. [G.] ^mirybin n. “grape, (lit.) wine-berry” ⇐ ^miru + pibin « G. mirobin [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !mítha- v. “to kiss” < *√MIKW [created by Ambar Eldaron]
ᴺS. !nellad n. “sound of bells, ringing” ⇐ N. nella- [created by David Salo, GS]
ᴺS. [G.] ni pron. “I” < ✶ni
⚠️ᴺS. !norra- v. “to growl, grumble” < *√NUR [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. ^nuru- “to growl, grumble”
ᴺS. !norweg adj. “often running” ⇐ S. nor- + S. -weg¹ [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !nosta- v. “to smell” < ᴹ√NUS [created by Ambar Eldaron]
ᴺS. !novaer interj. “goodbye, farewell, (lit.) be well” ⇐ S. #na- + S. maer [created by Unknown]
ᴺS. [G.] ^olla- v. “to ooze, *trickle” < √UL « G. ulna- [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !oreth n. “hour” ⇐ S. aur + √SAT [created by Elaran, Hialmr]
ᴺS. !pe pron. “we (inclusive)” ⇐ ✶ki + ✶we [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴺS. !pel- v. “to fence, enclose” < √PEL [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. pelu- “to fence, enclose”
S. #pel- “*to fade, wane”
ᴺS. !pen pron. “us (inclusive)” ⇐ !pe [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !pilimbes n. “arrow feathering” ⇐ ^pilin(d) + !pess²
ᴺS. !pîn pron. “our (inclusive)” ⇐ !pe [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !randis n. “wanderer (f.)” ⇐ √RAN + N. #-dis [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️ᴺS. ^revia- v. “to fly, sail” [created by Didier Willis]
ᴺS. ^renia-² “to sail, fly”
⚠️ᴺS. !rhûd n. “dwelling underground, artifical cave, rockhewn hall, mine” < √ROT [created by David Salo, GS]
S. groth “large excavation, delving, underground dwelling; [N.] cave, tunnel, [G.] grot”
⚠️ᴺS. !rig-² v. “to try, strive” < √RIK¹ [created by Paul Strack]
S. ritha- “to try, strive”
ᴺS. !rogol n. “saddle” < ᴹ√ROK [created by Ambar Eldaron]
ᴺS. !sa¹ pron. “that” < ✶sa [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !saeda- v. “to teach, *train, (lit.) make wise” < ᴹ√SAY [created by Ambar Eldaron]
ᴺS. !saelor n. “advisor” ⇐ S. #sael [created by Ambar Eldaron]
ᴺS. !sai pron. “those” < ✶sa [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !se pron. “this” < √SI¹ [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !sin pron. “these” < √SI¹ [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !taig adj. “marking (a boundary)” < √TAK [created by David Salo, GS]
⚠️ᴺS. !taw pron. “that” < √TA [created by David Salo, GS]
S. #san “that”
ᴺS. !thalieth n. “heroine, dauntless woman” ⇐ N. thalion [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !thennas n. “shortness” ⇐ S. thent
ᴺS. [G.] ^thimma- v. “to play a flute or whistle” < ^ᴺ√THIP « G. thimpa-
ᴺS. !tin pron. “them” < ✶te [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !tírad n. “vision, seeing” ⇐ S. #tíra- [created by Ambar Eldaron]
ᴺS. !trannail n. “regional, local” ⇐ S. #trann [created by Ambar Eldaron]
⚠️ᴺS. !tuila- v. “to bud, open (of flowers and leaves)” < ✶tuilu- [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !tuilu- “to bud, open (of flowers and leaves)”
⚠️ᴺS. !urun n. “copper” < √URUN [created by David Salo, GS]
S. rust “copper”

Version 0.6.9

ᴺS. !abgen- v. “to foresee, expect” ⇐ S. #ab + S. #cen- [created by VQP]
⚠️ᴺS. !ach n. “bone” [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. asg “bone; ⚠️[G.] stone of fruit”
S. ach¹ “neck, *(upper) spine”
⚠️ᴺS. !adbanna- v. “to refill” ⇐ S. #ad- + N. #pannad(a)- [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPW]
ᴺS. !adbannad(a)- “to refill”
⚠️ᴺS. !aden prep. “until” < √TEN [created by Ánweg]
ᴺS. !naden “until, up to, as far as”
⚠️ᴺS. !ae conj. “if ” [created by David Salo]
ᴺS. !ce “may(be), might”
ᴺS. !pi “if”
ᴺS. !agla- v. “to shine out, flash” < ✶akla- [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴺS. !aif adj. “same” [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !ain “same, identical”
ᴺS. !am adv. and adj. “more” < √AMA [created by Fayanzār]
ᴺS. !amman adv. “why, (lit.) for what” ⇐ S. an + S. man [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !ammuia- v. “to work (hard) for, to earn” < √ [created by Fayanzār]
ᴺS. !ar(an)eg n. “kinglet” ⇐ S. aran + S. -eg¹ [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]
ᴺS. !athrabed- v. “to discuss, exchange words” ⇐ S. athra-¹ + S. ped- [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !barf n. “armour, armor” ⇐ ᴹ√BAR + ✶-mā [created by David Salo]
ᴺS. !berthas n. “adventure, bold undertaking” ⇐ N. bertha- [created by Hialmr]
ᴺS. !berthian n. “challenge; daring, audacity” ⇐ N. bertha- [created by Sami Paldanius]
⚠️ᴺS. !caethad n. “reason, cause” ⇐ ^caetha- [created by Alexander Zapragajev]
ᴺS. ^caeth “cause, reason, motive”
ᴺS. !camma- v. “to make fit, suit, accommodate, adapt” < √KAM [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴺS. !canab num. card. “fourteen” < √KANAT [created by Elaran, Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !paegan “fourteen”
ᴺS. !caphaen num. card. “forty” ⇐ √KANAT + S. pae [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !caur n. “action, doing, making; verb” < √KAR [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !ce adv. “may(be), might” < √KE/EKE [created by Elaran, Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !ceiria- v. “to cause, bring about” < √KAR [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺS. !celf n. “channel” < √KEL [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !cesta- v. “to seek, search for, look for” < √KETH [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !cestaed adj. “curious, seeking, inquisitive” ⇐ !cesta- [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !cestaedas n. “curiosity” ⇐ !cestaed [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !ceth- v. “to examine, search, interrogate” < √KETH [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !cethaeg n. “horizon” ⇐ S. #cen- + S. #taeg [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴺS. ! conj. and adv. “may, might, maybe, perhaps, if” [created by David Salo, Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !ce “may(be), might”
ᴺS. !pi “if”
ᴺS. !col- v. “to bear, carry, wear” < √KOL [created by David Salo, VQP]
ᴺS. !coleb adj. “burdensome” ⇐ S. caul [created by Elaran, Hialmr, VQP]
ᴺS. !corf n. “ring (for fingers)” ⇐ √KOR + ✶-mā [created by Unknown]
ᴺS. !cov- v. “to bow” < *√KU(H) [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !covra- v. “to empty” < ᴹ√KUM [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺS. !cungan(d) n. “viol(in), (lit.) bow-harp” ⇐ S. + ᴹ√ÑGAN(AD) [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴺS. !dadhren- [nd-] v. “to forget” ⇐ S. dan + !ren- [created by David Salo, VQP]
ᴺS. ^lítha- “to let slip, lose, mislay; (intr.) to be lost; forget”
ᴺS. [N.] dae adv. “very” < √DAY
⚠️ᴺS. !daetha- v. “to praise” [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPW]
S. #egleria- “to glorify”
ᴺS. !dagrassaeg n. “bloodthirstiness, (lit.) slaughter-hunger” ⇐ ^dagras + ^saeg
ᴺS. !dananna- [nd-] v. “to give back, return [something]” ⇐ S. dan + S. #anna- [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !dav-¹ v. “to allow, yield, permit” < ᴹ√DAB [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️ᴺS. !dav-² v. “to judge” < √NDAB² [created by Fayanzār]
N. #badh- “to judge”
ᴺS. !eb prep. “save, except” < √HEK [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !echuia- v. “to awaken, wake up (intr.)” ⇐ √ET + √KUY [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !echuida- v. “to wake up (trans.), waken, rouse” ⇐ √ET + ✶kuitā- [created by Fayanzār]
ᴺS. !ecthelorn n. “spruce, fir-tree” ⇐ N. ecthel + S. orn [created by Hialmr]
ᴺS. !egel adj. “other” < √HEK [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴺS. !eithor adj. “other, another” [created by Roman Rausch]
ᴺS. !egel “other”
ᴺS. !elui adj. “starry” ⇐ S. †êl [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]
ᴺS. !em n. “picture, image” < √EM¹ [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !ened adv. “moreover” < √ENET [created by Fayanzār]
ᴺS. !enedhren adj. “central, essential” ⇐ S. enedh [created by Sami Paldanius]
⚠️ᴺS. !eneph num. card. “sixteen” < √ENEK [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !paeneg “sixteen”
ᴺS. !enephaen num. card. “sixty” ⇐ S. eneg + S. pae [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !enia- v. “to be born, be generated, result” < √NŌ/ONO [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺS. !enweria- v. “to revere” ⇐ S. anwar [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺS. !Eru n. “God” [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPW]
ᴺS. !escar n. “weapon” < ᴹ√SKAR¹ [created by Sami Paldanius]
⚠️ᴺS. !ess n. “name” [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPW]
S. eneth “*name”
ᴺS. !ethiria- v. “to flow out” ⇐ √ET + √SIR [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !ethog- v. “to lead out, *bring out” ⇐ √ET + ᴹ√TUK [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !etholtha- v. “to extract, make come out” ⇐ √ET + N. toltha- [created by Hialmr]
ᴺS. !faefelf n. “soul-feeling, *emotion” ⇐ S. fae + !felf [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️ᴺS. !faul² n. “thirst” < ᴹ√PHAW [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. faus(t) “thirst”
ᴺS. !fel- v. “to feel (a sensation or emotion)” < √PHEL [created by Unknown]
ᴺS. !felf n. “feeling, sensation” < √PHEL [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !fuiol adj. “disgusting” ⇐ N. fuia- [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !gadas n. “trap” ⇐ N. gad- [created by Fiona Jallings]
⚠️ᴺS. !gal- pref. “well, blessedly” < √GAL² [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
S. mae “well; excellent, admirable”
S. gal- “to shine clear, [G.] shine golden as the Sun”
ᴺS. !galtha- v. “to be glad” < ᴹ√GALAS [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !gauda- v. “to invent, originate, devise” < ᴹ√GAW [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [G.] ^gaug adj. “clumsy; ⚠️left (hand)” < ^ᴺ✶GAWAK « G. gôg
⚠️ᴺS. !ge conj. “maybe, if” [created by VQP]
ᴺS. !ce “may(be), might”
ᴺS. !pi “if”
ᴺS. !gelia- [ng-] v. “to learn” ⇐ √ÑGOL¹ + ✶-yă [created by Thorsten Renk]
ᴺS. !gella- v. “to rejoice, delight” < ᴹ√GYEL [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !gladhweg adj. “cheerful, (lit.) apt to laugh” ⇐ S. gladh- + S. -weg¹ [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !glosta- v. “to snow” < √(G)LOS [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !gobeth n. “dictionary” ⇐ S. go- + S. peth [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPW]
ᴺS. !goianna- v. “to join with, add to” ⇐ S. go- + !ianna- [created by Aleksandr Zapragajev]
⚠️ᴺS. !gôl n. “wave” [created by Fiona Jallings]
N. falf “foam, breaker, [G.] wave”
ᴺS. !golain n. “connection, relation, context, (lit.) threadage” ⇐ S. go- + S. #lain [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺS. !goltha- [ng-] v. “to teach, educate, tutor, (lit.) make knowledgable” ⇐ √ÑGOL¹ + ✶-tā [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !golthanneth [ng-] n. “teaching, lesson” ⇐ !goltha- [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !goras n. “advice” ⇐ S. gor-² [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️ᴺS. !gothiol adj. “similar” ⇐ S. go- + ᴹ√THĒ [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺS. !govai “alike, similar”
ᴺS. !gwabeth n. “sentence, phrase” ⇐ S. gwa- + S. peth [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !gwaef n. “wrap, binding” < ᴹ√WAY [created by Hialmr]
ᴺS. !gwall adj. “excited” < ✶walna [created by Aleksandr Zapragajev]
ᴺS. !gwenwi n. “past, past tense” < ᴹ√WAN [created by Sami Paldanius]
⚠️ᴺS. !gwer- v. “to weave, wind, spin, twist” ⇐ √WIR [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. ^gwir- “to weave”
ᴺS. [G.] gwil- v. “to fly, ⚠️sail, float” < ᴹ√WIL [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !hallas n. “height” ⇐ N. hall² [created by Fiona Jallings]
⚠️ᴺS. !hanna- v. “to thank” [created by David Salo]
ᴺS. !anna- “to thank”
⚠️ᴺS. !hauda- v. “to cover up, hide away, lay in store, hoard, save, record; to bury” < √KHAW¹ [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !haudha- “to lay in store; to hoard, save, record; to bury”
ᴺS. ^hoda- “to lay, stretch out, lay flat on ground”
ᴺS. !hav- v. “to pray”
ᴺS. !hendelu n. “brow” ⇐ S. hen(d) + N. telu [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴺS. !henna- v. “to read” < √KHEN [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴺS. !her- v. “to pray” [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPW]
ᴺS. !hav- “to pray”
ᴺS. !hída- v. “to (come to) pass, happen” < √SKEY [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴺS. !hil- v. “to follow” < √KHIL [created by Sami Paldanius]
S. aphad- “to follow”
ᴺS. !hir- v. “to find, *light on, chance on” < √KHIR [created by David Salo]
ᴺS. !holl n. “cock, cockerel, rooster” < ✶khollō̆ [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]
ᴺS. !húda- v. “to curse” < √SKŪ [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !huia- v. “to urge on” < ᴹ√SIW [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. [G.] hunc n. “pig”
⚠️ᴺS. !hŷl n. “hen” < ✶kholyē [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]
ᴺS. ^huil² “hen”
ᴺS. !iâd¹ n. “waist; isthmus” < ᴹ√YAT [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴺS. !iâf n. “fruit” < ᴹ√YAB [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPW]
ᴺS. !iesta-¹ v. “to begin” < *√YESET [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !iesta-² v. “to wish” < ᴹ√YES [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !illad n. “everything” ⇐ √IL + N. nad [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !illadui adj. “general” ⇐ !illad [created by Fayanzār]
ᴺS. !íphathred n. “yearfullness, age of person” ⇐ S. *iphant [created by Sami Paldanius]
⚠️ᴺS. !istanna- v. “to teach, lecture, explain, (lit.) give knowledge” ⇐ N. ist + S. #anna- [created by Elvishmouse]
ᴺS. !goltha- “to teach, educate, tutor, (lit.) make knowledgable”
⚠️ᴺS. !istoneth n. “teacher (f.), (lit.) knowledge giver” ⇐ !istanna- [created by Elvishmouse]
ᴺS. !golthor “teacher”
⚠️ᴺS. !istonor n. “teacher (m.), (lit.) knowledge giver” ⇐ !istanna- [created by Elvishmouse]
ᴺS. !golthor “teacher”
ᴺS. [G.] laboth n. “hare, *rabbit” ⇐ S. #laba-
⚠️ᴺS. !laed n. “colour, color” [created by Matt Dinse]
ᴺS. crui “colour”
ᴺS. !laeglin(n) n. “greenfinch ” ⇐ S. †laeg + S. lind¹ [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]
⚠️ᴺS. !lebem num. card. “fifteen” < √LEPEN [created by Elaran, Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !paeleben “fifteen”
ᴺS. !lephaen num. card. “fifty” ⇐ S. leben + S. pae [created by Elaran, Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !lista- v. “to show grace, kindness” ⇐ √LIS + ✶-tā [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !listo interj. “please!” ⇐ !lista- (imperative) [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !loew n. “moss” < √LOG [created by Hialmr]
ᴺS. [G.] lor- v. “to sleep, slumber, ⚠️dream” < √(O)LOR [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [G.] ^losta-¹ v. “to bloom, blossom” < √LOT(H) « G. luitha- [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴺS. !losta-² v. “to sleep” < ᴹ√LOS [created by David Salo]
ᴺS. lor- “to sleep, slumber, ⚠️dream”
ᴺS. !mabed- v. “to ask [a question]” ⇐ √MA + S. ped- [created by Fiona Jallings, NGNS]
ᴺS. !maegra- v. “to sharpen” ⇐ S. maeg
ᴺS. !maga- v. “to forge metal” < √MAK [created by David Salo]
ᴺS. !mallú adv. “when, (orig.) what time” ⇐ S. man + ^ [created by Shihali, Lokyt, Elaran, Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [N.] math n. “food” < √MAT [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴺS. !maw² n. “sheep” < ✶māmā [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]
ᴺS. !maf “sheep”
ᴺS. ^maw¹ “soil, stain”
ᴺS. !mawedh n. “glove” ⇐ S. †maw + N. gwedh [created by Hialmr]
ᴺS. !medhia- v. “to knead, soften” < √MASAG [created by Roman Rausch, VQP]
ᴺS. !menna- v. “to send, (lit.) make go” < √MEN [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !ment n. “message” < √MEN [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !mertha- v. “to gladden, make happy” < ᴹ√M(B)ER [created by Hialmr, Elaran]
ᴺS. !meru adj. “valuable, worthy” < √MIR [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺS. !mib- v. “to kiss” < *√MIKW [created by Unknown]
ᴺS. !mornechui n. “coffee” ⇐ S. morn + S. echui [created by Roman Rausch]
ᴺS. !muia- v. “to whine, moan, whimper, caw, meow” < ᴹ√MIW¹ [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] muig¹ n. “cat” < ᴹ√MIW¹ [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !nabant adv. “almost, (lit.) towards full” ⇐ S. na¹ + S. #pant [created by Hialmr]
ᴺS. !naeag n. “goat” < ✶nayak [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]
ᴺS. !naed adj. “true, real” < √ [created by Fayanzār]
ᴺS. !naman adv. “how, (lit.) with what” ⇐ S. na(n) + S. man [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !nanu n. “truth” < √ [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺS. !nanwen adj. “true” < √ [created by Aleksandr Zapragajev]
ᴺS. !narphen n. “character [in a story]” ⇐ S. narn + S. pen² [created by Fiona Jallings]
⚠️ᴺS. !navaer interj. “farewell, (lit.) be well” ⇐ S. #na- + S. maer [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPW]
ᴺS. !novaer “goodbye, farewell, (lit.) be well”
ᴺS. !navan adv. “where, whither, to where, (lit.) at/to what” ⇐ S. na¹ + S. man [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️ᴺS. !nederph num. card. “nineteen” < √NETER [created by Elaran, Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !paeneder “nineteen”
ᴺS. !nederphaen num. card. “ninety” ⇐ S. neder + S. pae [created by Elaran, Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️ᴺS. !neleb num. card. “thirteen” < ✶nelekwe [created by Elaran, Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !paenel “thirteen”
ᴺS. !nelio n. “buckwheat” ⇐ N. nel- + N. iau¹ [created by Hjalmar Holm]
ᴺS. !nelphaen num. card. “thirty” ⇐ √NEL + S. pae [created by Elaran, Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️ᴺS. !neman adv. “when, (lit.) during what” ⇐ S. ned + S. man [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !mallú “when, (orig.) what time”
ᴺS. !nethan- v. “to inspire, kindle inside” ⇐ N. #ne- + √THAN [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺS. !nevia- v. “to localize, bring close, translate (into your own language), translate (into another language when used with the dative case)” < √NEB [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !nevui adj. “nearly” ⇐ S. nef [created by Hjalmar Holm]
⚠️ᴺS. !nínia- v. “to weep” < ᴹ√NEY [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. ninna- “to weep, *cry (tears)”
ᴺS. [G.] ^noden adj. “prone, face down” < √NŪ/UNU « G. nudin
⚠️ᴺS. !noth n. “number” < √NOT [created by Elaran]
N. gwanod “number, ⚠️tale”
ᴺS. [G.] ^nuicha- v. “to take notice, perceive; *(orig.) to smell [something]” < ᴹ√NUS « G. nus- [created by Sami Paldanius]
⚠️ᴺS. !odob num. card. “seventeen” < √OTOS/OTOK [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !paenodog “seventeen”
⚠️ᴺS. !odobaen num. card. “seventy” ⇐ S. odog + S. pae [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !odophaen “seventy”
⚠️ᴺS. !odoph num. card. “seventeen” < √OTOS/OTOK [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !paenodog “seventeen”
ᴺS. !odophaen num. card. “seventy” ⇐ S. odog + S. pae [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [G.] ^ogod n. “knee” < !ᴺ✶okkā « G. octha [created by Sami Paldanius]
⚠️ᴺS. !ol-² v. “to become” < ᴹ√OL [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !ola- “to become”
ᴺS. !olui adj. “dreamy” ⇐ N. ôl [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !ora- v. “to heat up” < √UR [created by Sami Paldanius]
⚠️ᴺS. !ordolel n. “tomorrow” ⇐ S. aur + S. #tol- [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]
ᴺS. !abor¹ “tomorrow, (lit.) after-day”
⚠️ᴺS. !orest n. “hour” ⇐ ✶auri + √SAT [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !oreth “hour”
ᴺS. [G.] orf n. “apple”
⚠️ᴺS. !órui n. “daily” [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPW]
S. ilaurui “*daily”
ᴺS. !orvedui n. “yesterday” ⇐ S. aur + S. medui [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]
ᴺS. !osgaef n. “surroundings, environs, milieu” ⇐ N. os- + √KAY [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺS. !ostol- v. “to circumnavigate, come around” ⇐ ᴹ√OS + S. #tol- [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !othren adj. “strange, weird, odd” < ✶oþlō [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴺS. !padol n. “key” < ᴹ√PAT [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺS. !ledil “key”
ᴺS. !paedolodh num. card. “eighteen” ⇐ S. pae + S. tolodh [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !paegan num. card. “fourteen” ⇐ S. pae + √KANAT [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !paeleben num. card. “fifteen” ⇐ S. pae + S. leben [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !paeneder num. card. “nineteen” ⇐ S. pae + S. neder [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !paeneg num. card. “sixteen” ⇐ S. pae + S. eneg [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !paenel num. card. “thirteen” ⇐ S. pae + √NEL [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !paenodog num. card. “seventeen” ⇐ S. pae + S. odog [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !palan-hinnen adj. “famous, *(lit.) widely-known” ⇐ S. palan + !sinnen [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] pant n. “money” < √PAN
ᴺS. !parlas n. “parchment, document” ⇐ N. parf + S. lass [created by Roman Rausch]
ᴺS. !patha- v. “to reveal, show” < ᴹ√PAT [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !pech n. “nut” [created by Matt Dinse, Hjalmar Holm]
ᴺS. !pechol n. “hazel” ⇐ !pech [created by Hjalmar Holm]
⚠️ᴺS. !pegof n. “squirrel” [created by Aleksandr Zapragajev]
ᴺS. !pechof “squirrel”
ᴺS. [G.] ^pell adj. “still, quiet, hushed” < ^ᴺ√KWILID « G. cwîl [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !pen-channas adj. “stupid, idiotic, *(lit.) lack-wit” ⇐ S. pen¹ + N. hannas [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !pen-ind adj. “insane, heartless, crazy” ⇐ S. pen¹ + S. ind [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^pennig n. “coin”pant « ᴱN. panthig [created by Roman Rausch]
⚠️ᴺS. !per- v. “to turn” < √KWER [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !perna- “to turn”
ᴺS. !perna- v. “to turn” < √KWER [created by Hialmr]
ᴺS. !pethas n. “sentence, phrase” ⇐ S. peth [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !pi adv. “if” < √KWI [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !píeg n. “mosquito” ⇐ ✶ + √EK [created by Hialmr]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^pilin(d) n. “arrow, [G.] dart” < ᴹ√PILIN « ᴱN. lhinn [created by David Salo]
⚠️ᴺS. !pim n. “tail” < ᴺ√PIP [created by Jenna Carpenter]
ᴺS. !pimp “tail”
ᴺS. !pista- v. “to suppose” < √KWIS [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴺS. !plinn n. “arrow” < ᴹ√PILIN [created by Roman Rausch]
ᴺS. ^pilin(d) “arrow, [G.] dart”
ᴺS. !pôg n. “bag” < ᴺ√POK [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺS. !poll n. “ram” < ✶pollō [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]
⚠️ᴺS. !prôg n. “fowl, hen” < √POROK [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]
ᴺS. porog “fowl (domestic), *chicken”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^puch n. “cunnus, vagina” < ^ᴺ√PUK « ᴱN. huch [created by Fiona Jallings]
⚠️ᴺS. !puiga- v. “to clean, wash” < ᴹ√POY [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. ^puida- “to clean, tidy, cleanse, ⚠️purify”
⚠️ᴺS. !rachas n. “danger” [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺS. !rach “danger”
⚠️ᴺS. !rachathren adj. “dangerous” ⇐ !rachas [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺS. !rachui “dangerous”
ᴺS. !rae n. “smile” < √RAY² [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺS. !raeda- v. “to smile” < √RAY² [created by Fiona Jallings]
⚠️ᴺS. !raegdan n. “sinner” ⇐ ^raeg + S. #tân [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPW]
ᴺS. !rhugaron “sinner”
ᴺS. !ragui adj. “fragile, breakable”rag- [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. [G.] ranoth n. “month” ⇐ √RAN
ᴺS. !ren- v. “to remember” < √REN [created by David Salo]
ᴺS. !renna- v. “to remind” < √REN [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !rhofelf n. “body-feeling, [physical] sensation” ⇐ S. rhaw² + !felf [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !rong adv. “soon” < *√ROÑ [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !ronga- v. “to hasten” < *√ROÑ [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴺS. !rosg n. “fox” [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPW]
S. rusc “fox”
ᴺS. !sab- v. “to dig” < ᴺ√SAP [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^saeg n. “hunger” < ^ᴺ√SAYAK « ᴱN. hais [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !saegon n. “famine, (great) hunger” ⇐ ^saeg + S. -on² [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !sath n. “part” < √SAT [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !sav- v. “to believe in, accept as fact” < √SAB [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !sedh- v. “to rest” < √SED [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴺS. !sein adj. “usual” [created by Fayanzār]
ᴺS. !senu “usual, *ordinary, common”
⚠️ᴺS. !semp n. “flute, pipe, whistle” < ^ᴺ√THIP [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. thibin “flute”
ᴺS. !sinnen adj. “known” ⇐ N. ista- [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !somma- v. “to dive, duck” < ᴺ√SUB [created by Hialmr]
ᴺS. !sommor n. “duck, waterfowl” ⇐ !somma- [created by Hialmr]
⚠️ᴺS. !sûf n. “bosom” [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPW]
ᴺS. ammos “*breast, chest; ⚠️breastplate”
ᴺS. !tab- v. “to stop, block, close” < ᴹ√TAP [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !tallam n. “conlang” ⇐ √TAN¹ + S. lam¹ [created by Fayanzār]
ᴺS. !tallen adj. “playful, fun(ny)” < ᴹ√TYAL [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !taphaen num. card. “twenty” ⇐ S. tâd + S. pae [created by Elaran, Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !tastaith n. “test” ⇐ !tasta- [created by Fayanzār]
ᴺS. !taugla- v. “to resist” ⇐ S. taug [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺS. !telf n. “conclusion, ending, anything used to finish off a work or affair” < √TEL [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴺS. !telia- v. “to finish, conclude” < √TEL [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !tel- “to end, finish, be done”
N. telia- “to play”
⚠️ᴺS. !telias n. “play, game, sport, mirth” ⇐ N. telia- [created by Elaran]
N. telien “sport, play, [ᴱN.] game; ⚠️jest, mockery, *joke; [G.] stunt”
ᴺS. !thaes n. “attraction, temptation” < √THAG [created by Hialmr]
ᴺS. !thag- v. “to draw, pull” < √SAK [created by Hialmr]
ᴺS. !thagel adj. “pulling, luring” ⇐ !thag- [created by Hialmr]
⚠️ᴺS. !thain² n. “law, rule” < ᴹ√STAN [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !theinas “law, rule”
ᴺS. !tharchol- v. “to translate, (lit.) carry-across” ⇐ √THAR¹ + !col- [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !ther- v. “to sew” < ᴺ√THER [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️ᴺS. !thindrostir n. “badger” ⇐ S. thind + N. rosta- [created by Hialmr]
ᴺS. !eriab “badger”
⚠️ᴺS. !tolob num. card. “eighteen” < √TOLOD [created by Elaran, Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !paedolodh “eighteen”
ᴺS. !tolophaen num. card. “eighty” ⇐ S. tolodh + S. pae [created by Elaran, Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !torchal n. “shark or other large predatory fish” ⇐ N. taur² + N. hâl [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]
ᴺS. !trastadweg adj. “annoying” ⇐ N. trasta- + S. -weg¹ [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️ᴺS. [G.] ^û n. “voice” < √OM [created by Fiona Jallings]
S. #glim “voice, *utterance”
S. û “no, not, [G.] nor”
ᴺS. !úgan(n) adj. “gutless, faint-hearted, diffident ” ⇐ S. ú- + ^cand [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]
⚠️ᴺS. !ummas n. “evil” < ᴹ√UMU [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !oglas “wickedness, *evil”
⚠️ᴺS. !ŷ n. “wine” [created by Hialmr]
ᴺS. ^miru “wine”
ᴺS. [ON.] ^ýda- v. “to hint; *to wink” < ON. yūta- « ON. yūta- [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴺS. !ýl- v. “to drink” < √YUL [created by Elaran]
N. #sog- “to drink”
⚠️ᴺS. !yll n. “draught” < √YUL [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPW]
ᴺS. ^suith “draught, [G.] a drink”
ᴺS. !ylvon n. “chalice” ⇐ S. ylf + S. -on² [created by Elaran]

Version 0.6.8

ᴺS. !ain adj. “same, identical” < *√IM [created by Fiona Jallings, Elaran]
ᴺS. !aranas n. “kingship” ⇐ S. aran
ᴺS. !baladh n. “worth, importance” < ^ᴺ√BALAD [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [G.] ^ball adj. “worthy, important; ⚠️great, mighty” < ^ᴺ√BALAD « G. bâl [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !balla- v. “to matter; to be of significance, worth, moment” < ^ᴺ√BALAD [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] bang n. “staff”
ᴺS. [G.] bardha- v. “to rule, reign” < √BARAD
ᴺS. [G.] ^belen adj. “expanded, unrolled, unfurled, set (of sails)” < ^ᴺ√BELU « G. belin
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] belon n. “[G.] sail” < ^ᴺ√BELU
ᴺS. !bîl n. “likeness, similarity” < ✶
ᴺS. !bíleb adj. “equal” ⇐ !bîl + S. -eb
ᴺS. !bilebra- v. “to equal” ⇐ !bíleb
ᴺS. !bilebren adj. “equable” ⇐ !bíleb
ᴺS. !bileutha- v. “to make equal, equalize” ⇐ !bíleb
ᴺS. !biltha- v. “to resemble, seem like; to seem likely, be probable” ⇐ !bîl
ᴺS. !bilthadren adj. “probable” ⇐ !biltha-
ᴺS. !blabed n. “flapping, beating (especially of wings)” ⇐ N. #blab- (gerund)
ᴺS. !cav- v. “to receive, *accept” < √KAB [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !cavren adj. “acceptable” ⇐ !cav- [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !dagrassaeb adj. “bloodthirsty, (lit.) slaughter-hungry” ⇐ ^dagras + ^saeb¹
ᴺS. [G.] ^dorgant [nd-] n. “landscape, scene, *(lit.) land-shape” ⇐ S. dôr + S. #cant « G. dorven
ᴺS. [G.] drab n. “labour, toil, irksome work” < ^ᴺ√(D)RAP
ᴺS. [G.] drab- v. “to labour, work; (impersonal) to irk, annoy” < ^ᴺ√(D)RAP
ᴺS. [G.] ^drabol adj. “labouring”drab- (active-participle) « G. drabri
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] drauth adj. “[G.] weary, toilworn, tired; ⚠️[ᴱN.] labour” < ^ᴺ√(D)RAP
ᴺS. [G.] drautha- v. “to weary, tire out” < ^ᴺ√(D)RAP
ᴺS. [G.] ^drauthas n. “[wearisome] toil, weariness from labour”drauth « G. drauthos
ᴺS. [G.] ^drinna- v. “to turn, twist” < ᴹ√RIN « G. drintha-
ᴺS. [G.] drint n. “twist, wrench, turn” < ᴹ√RIN
ᴺS. [G.] ^duidhrad n. “canal” ⇐ S. duin + S. #râd « G. duivrad
ᴺS. [G.] ^duiniant n. “aqueduct” ⇐ S. duin + S. iant « G. duivrant
ᴺS. !edlonui adj. “foreign” ⇐ S. edlon
ᴺS. !edren adj. “outer” < √ET
ᴺS. !ennen adj. “named” ⇐ S. #en- (passive-participle)
ᴺS. !eth adj. and adv. “outside” < √ET [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !felaich n. “splash” < √PHAL [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !felechia- v. “to splash” < √PHAL [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^gaes n. “steel” < *ᴺ√GAK « G. gais
ᴺS. [G.] ^gaethren adj. “like steel” ⇐ ^gaes « G. gaithrin
ᴺS. !garnen adj. “own, held, possessed” ⇐ N. gar- (passive-participle)
ᴺS. [G.] grest n. “aid, support, help, succour, ⚠️salvation” < ^ᴺ√(G)RETH
ᴺS. [G.] gresta- v. “to aid, help, succour, support” < ^ᴺ√(G)RETH
ᴺS. !gwadoras n. “union, association, fellowship, society” ⇐ N. gwador [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] gwanos n. “family, birth, heredity, *lineage” ⇐ S. go- + S. nos(s)
ᴺS. !gwanwas n. “the past, past days, olden times” < √WĀ/AWA [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^gwîb n. “penis” < √WEG « ᴱN. gwib
ᴺS. !gwilwa- v. “to flutter, flit” < ᴹ√WIL
ᴺS. !gwineb adj. “youthful” ⇐ S. gwîn
ᴺS. !gwistanneth n. “alteration, variation” ⇐ !gwista-
ᴺS. !gwistol adj. “changing, varying, variable” ⇐ !gwista- (active-participle)
ᴺS. !hammen adj. “clothed, clad” ⇐ N. hab- (passive-participle)
ᴺS. !hora- v. “to await, expect” < ᴹ✶skorā-
ᴺS. !iaewen adj. “scornful” ⇐ N. iaew
ᴺS. [N.] ^ialt n. “yoke” < ^ᴺ√YALTA « N. iant
ᴺS. [G.] ^ialtha- v. “to yoke, ⚠️join” < ^ᴺ√YALTA « G. ilt-
ᴺS. !ianna- v. “to join, connect” < √YAN²
ᴺS. [G.] ^iaust n. “crop, *yield, produce; ⚠️corn” < ᴹ√YAB « G. gaust
ᴺS. [G.] ^iav- v. “to produce, yield, bear fruit” < ᴹ√YAB « G. gav-
ᴺS. [G.] ^iavren adj. “fertile” < ᴹ√YAB « G. ivrin
ᴺS. [G.] ^irth n. “beak” < ^ᴺ√IRIT « G. irt
ᴺS. [G.] irtha- v. “to peck” < ^ᴺ√IRIT
ᴺS. !lhab n. “sip” < ᴹ√SALAP
ᴺS. [G.] ^lhab- v. “to sup, *sip, ⚠️suck, lap up” < ᴹ√SALAP « G. thlib-
ᴺS. [G.] ^lhid- v. “to sort out, sift, sieve, discriminate” < ^ᴺ√SILIT « G. thlid-
ᴺS. [G.] ^lhîd n. “sieve” < ^ᴺ√SILIT « G. thlid
ᴺS. [G.] ^mabren adj. “handed, having hands, dextrous” ⇐ S. mâb + S. #-ren « G. mabwed
ᴺS. [G.] ^mabrenas n. “dexterity” ⇐ ^mabren « G. mabwedri
ᴺS. !nethia- v. “to entertain, (orig.) to make welcome” < √NATH
ᴺS. !nethias n. “entertainment” ⇐ !nethia-
ᴺS. !oglas n. “wickedness, *evil” ⇐ S. ogol
ᴺS. !ol-¹ v. “to pour” < √UL [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^ont adj. and adv. “no, none” < √UMU « G. untha
ᴺS. [G.] ^othra- v. “to get away, escape” < ^ᴺ√UTH « G. uthra-
ᴺS. !pannen adj. “arranged, settled, done” ⇐ ^pan- (passive-participle)
ᴺS. !pillor n. “bat (animal)” < ^ᴺ√KWILID
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^pog- v. “futuere, *to copulate, have sex” < ^ᴺ√PUK « ᴱN. hug- [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^pogron n. “fututor, *one who copulates” ⇐ ^pog- « ᴱN. huigion
ᴺS. !pol- v. “can, to be (physically) able to” < √POL [created by Unknown]
ᴺS. !posta- v. “to stop, cease, leave off, ⚠️rest” < ᴹ√PUT
ᴺS. !postad n. “stopping, cessation, leaving off” ⇐ !posta-
ᴺS. !puidad n. “(act of) cleaning, cleansing” ⇐ ^puida- (gerund)
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^puith n. “coitus, *sex” < ^ᴺ√PUK « ᴱN. hoith [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^puitha- v. “*to have sex (with)” < ^ᴺ√PUK « ᴱN. hoitha- [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. [G.] ^raeb adj. “scored, striped” < ᴺ√RIP « G. raib
ᴺS. [G.] ^raebroch n. “zebra” ⇐ ^raeb + S. roch « G. raibrog
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^raeth¹ n. “extent, reach, scope; ⚠️region, sphere, district” < ᴹ√RAK « ᴱN. rhaith
ᴺS. [G.] ^raeth² n. “breach, *burst” < *√RAK « G. ractha
ᴺS. [G.] ^raetha- v. “to reach at, reach for; to reach, extend (intr.)” < ᴹ√RAK « G. raitha-
ᴺS. [G.] rag- v. “to break (asunder), burst” < *√RAK
ᴺS. [N.] ^raw² n. “lion” « N. rhaw³ [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !reithron n. “rescuer, saviour” ⇐ !reitha-
ᴺS. [N.] rhîf n. “brink, brim” < ᴹ√(S)RI
ᴺS. !rhugaron n. “sinner” ⇐ S. rhugar
ᴺS. [G.] rib n. “stripe, line; ⚠️shore; border, fringe” < ᴺ√RIP
ᴺS. [G.] ribin adj. “striped, edged” < ᴺ√RIP
ᴺS. [G.] rimp n. “shred, slice, sliver” < ᴺ√RIP
ᴺS. [G.] rin- v. “to revolve, ⚠️return, come back; to do again” < ᴹ√RIN
ᴺS. [G.] rod n. “tube, stem, *pipe” < √ROT
ᴺS. [G.] ^rodol n. “little pipe (especially musical)”rod « G. rogli
ᴺS. !ruida- v. “to pursue, chase” < ᴹ√ROY¹
ᴺS. !rúthui adj. “angry, wrathful” ⇐ S. rûth [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !sídheb adj. “peaceful, full of peace” ⇐ N. sîdh
ᴺS. [G.] sing n. “salt” < ᴺ√SIÑGI
ᴺS. [G.] ^singren adj. “salt, *salty”sing + S. #-ren « G. singrin
ᴺS. [G.] siriol adj. “flowing, fluent, liquid, mellifluous” ⇐ N. siria- (active-participle)
ᴺS. !solph n. “soup” < *ᴹ√SULUP
ᴺS. [G.] n. “noise of wind” < √
ᴺS. [G.] ^súda- v. “to blow (of wind)” < √ « G. sûtha-
ᴺS. [G.] tadhos n. “hawthorn” < ^ᴺ√TAD
ᴺS. [G.] tag- v. “to fix, make firm, *fasten, ⚠️construct” < √TAK
ᴺS. [G.] ^tammos n. “cauldron” < √TAM « G. tambos
ᴺS. !tana- v. “to show, indicate, point out” < √TAN²
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^tarchas n. “roughness, ruggedness, rudeness” « ᴱN. archos
ᴺS. [G.] taru n. “cross, *crucifix; ⚠️crossing”
ᴺS. [G.] tast n. “border, fringe” < !ᴺ√TATH
ᴺS. !teleg n. “leg” < ᴹ√TELEK [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [G.] telt n. “lid” < √TELU
ᴺS. [G.] thar- v. “to saw (up)” < √THAR¹
ᴺS. [G.] theres n. “ribbon, ⚠️tie” < ᴺ√THER
ᴺS. [G.] thibin n. “flute” < ^ᴺ√THIP
ᴺS. [G.] ^thibinor n. “piper”thibin « G. thibinweg
ᴺS. [G.] thimp n. “the stop on a flute” < ^ᴺ√THIP
ᴺS. [G.] thista- v. “to dry up” < ^ᴺ√THITH
ᴺS. [G.] ^thivol n. “whistle, piccolo” < ^ᴺ√THIP « G. thimli
ᴺS. !thossui adj. “fearful, afraid” ⇐ S. thoss
ᴺS. [G.] ^thriben adj. “lean” < ^ᴺ√THIRIP « G. thribin
ᴺS. [G.] timp n. “hoot, note of a flute” < ᴺ√TIPH
ᴺS. [G.] ^tinthiltha- v. “to twinkle, *sparkle” ⇐ √TIN + √TIL « G. tintiltha-
ᴺS. [G.] tiph- v. “to whistle” < ᴺ√TIPH
ᴺS. [G.] tiphin n. “small flute” < ᴺ√TIPH
ᴺS. [G.] ^tolcha- v. “to support, *steady, comfort; ⚠️to make firm, confirm” < ᴹ√TULUK « G. tulga- [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺS. !tolph n. “bowl, basin”
ᴺS. !tolpheg n. “spoon” ⇐ !tolph + S. -eg¹ [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^trog adj. “easy to handle; convenient, tractable, docile” < √TUR « G. trug
ᴺS. !tudheg n. “match” ⇐ ^tudh [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] tuig n. “shoot, sapling, ⚠️sprout” < √TUY
ᴺS. [G.] ^tuilas n. “petal, (lit.) bud-leaf” ⇐ N. tui + S. lass « G. tethlas
ᴺS. [G.] tump n. “shed” < √TUP
ᴺS. [G.] tunc n. “chance, occurrence; ⚠️arrival; hit at shooting; luck” < ᴹ√TUK
ᴺS. [G.] tund² n. “log for the fire, *firewood, fuel” < ᴺ√TUD
ᴺS. [G.] unt n. “nothing” < √UMU
ᴺS. !urnui adj. “inflammable; touchy, irritable; ⚠️explosive” ⇐ ^orna-

Version 0.6.7

ᴺS. [G.] ^anwas n. “manhood, *manliness, masculinity” ⇐ N. anw « G. anoth
ᴺS. [G.] ^anwathren adj. “manly, masculine” ⇐ ^anwas « G. anothrin
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^bangad n. “trade, trading” ⇐ N. banga- « ᴱN. bagod
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^bangath n. “market” ⇐ N. banga- « ᴱN. bagarth
ᴺS. !bardhon [mb-] n. “inhabitant, native” ⇐ S. bardh [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !barn adj. “safe, protected, secure” < ᴹ✶barnā [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. [G.] ^basta- [mb-] v. “to bake” < √MBAS « G. bas- [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^bauch [mb-] n. “price, cost” < ᴹ√MBAKH « ᴱN. bog
ᴺS. [G.] bloss [mb-] n. “wheat” < *√MUL
ᴺS. [G.] ^bothol [mb-] n. “oven” < √MBAS « G. bothli
ᴺS. [G.] crui n. “colour”
ᴺS. [G.] ^cruin adj. “coloured”crui « G. cruim
ᴺS. [G.] cruith n. “colour, complexion, appearance”crui
ᴺS. [G.] dâd n. “grandfather”
ᴺS. !faul¹ n. “bladder, (orig.) inflated thing” < ᴺS. !faw-
ᴺS. [G.] ^govaethas n. “government” ⇐ ^maethas « G. gomaithri [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !gwanuren adj. “of same kindred, akin” ⇐ N. gwanur
ᴺS. !iaeda- v. “to mock, deride, make fun of, laugh at” < ᴹ√YAY
ᴺS. !inwathren adj. “feminine” ⇐ !inwas [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !lhig- v. “to creep, sneak, do or go by stealth” < ᴹ√SLIK [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !lîg n. “wax” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !lígu n. “candle” ⇐ !lîg
ᴺS. !lostad n. “blooming, florescence” ⇐ ^losta-¹
ᴺS. [ON.] ^mab- v. “to seize, *grasp, grab; ⚠️to take away by force” < √MAP « ON. map- [created by David Salo, GS]
ᴺS. !maenor n. “craftsman” ⇐ N. maen + S. #-or [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^maethas n. “control, *authority” ⇐ S. maeth « G. maithri [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^maetheb adj. “having control or authority” ⇐ S. maeth « G. maithog
ᴺS. [G.] malthos n. “butter cup” ⇐ S. malt
ᴺS. [G.] mam n. “grandmother, ⚠️mother” < ^ᴺ√MAB
ᴺS. !maul n. “flour” < *√MUL
ᴺS. [G.] maus n. and adj. “pleasure; pleasant taste, pleasant” < ^ᴺ√MAB
ᴺS. [G.] mav- v. “to like” < ^ᴺ√MAB
ᴺS. [G.] ^mavor n. “appetite” < ^ᴺ√MAB « G. mavri [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^mavren adj. “delectable, delightful, desireable” ⇐ ^mavor « G. mavrin
ᴺS. !melillin n. “daffodil, (orig.) yellow song” ⇐ N. malen + S. lind¹ [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !melingarn adj. “orange, tawny” ⇐ N. malen + S. caran [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !mol- v. “to grind, pulverize” < *√MUL [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !molor n. “mill” ⇐ !mol- [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. [G.] ^mothren adj. “dusk, dusky” ⇐ S. moth « G. mathrin
ᴺS. [G.] nab- v. “to take, lay hold of” < √NAP
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^nabor n. “booty” < √NAP « ᴱN. nabru
ᴺS. [G.] ^nadren adj. “real; possible (in sense possible to exist or think of)” ⇐ N. nad « G. nathrin [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !naeda- v. “to oppress, cause great grief to” < √NAY¹
ᴺS. !naena- v. “to lament, wail for, make moan for, ⚠️weep” < √NAY¹
ᴺS. [G.] nanc n. “bite” < √NAK
ᴺS. [G.] nast n. “being (used for both a creature and the state of existence)” < √
ᴺS. [Ilk.] ^nevra- v. “to face, go forward” < √NEB « Ilk. nivra-
ᴺS. [G.] ninna- v. “to weep, *cry (tears)” ⇐ S. #nîn²
ᴺS. [G.] ^nírol adj. “sad, sorrowing, *sorrowful” ⇐ N. nîr « G. nîriol
ᴺS. [G.] ^nítha-¹ v. “to snow, hail, ⚠️rain” < √NIK(W) « G. nictha-
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^nîw n. “bee” < √NEG « ᴱN. nui [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^norna- v. “to complain of, ⚠️bewail, lament” < *√NUR « G. nurna-
ᴺS. !nornad n. “complaint” ⇐ ^norna-
ᴺS. [G.] ^nunna- v. “to incline head, bend face down, *nod; to assent, *agree” < √NŪ/UNU « G. nud- [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^nuru- v. “to growl, grumble” < *√NUR « G. nur-
ᴺS. [G.] och n. “egg” < ᴺ√OKH
ᴺS. !onnad n. “birth” ⇐ S. #onna- (gerund)
ᴺS. !oronnad n. “birthday” ⇐ S. aur + !onnad [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. [G.] osta- v. “to surround with walls, build up, fortify, protect; to surround” < ᴹ√OS
ᴺS. [G.] ostor n. “enclosure, circuit of walls, *town wall” < ᴹ√OS
ᴺS. [G.] pan n. “arrangement, settlement, *grouping; ⚠️place, spot” < √PAN
ᴺS. [G.] ^pan- v. “to arrange, order, settle; to set, put, place; to write a book” < √PAN « G. panta-
ᴺS. [ON.] ^partha- v. “to arrange, compose” < √PAR¹ « ON. partha-
ᴺS. [G.] ^past adj. “shaking” < ᴺ√KWATH « G. cwast
ᴺS. [G.] pelu- v. “to fence, enclose” < √PEL
ᴺS. !pil- v. “to steal, rob, thieve” < ᴺ√PIL [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !pîl n. “robber, thief” < ᴺ√PIL [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !pilu n. “stealing, robbery, theft” < ᴺ√PIL [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !polch n. “trunk, torso” < ᴺ√PUL
ᴺS. [G.] polodh n. “power, might, authority” < √POL
ᴺS. [G.] ^polodhren adj. “mighty, *powerful (politically)”polodh « G. polodrin
ᴺS. [G.] ^potha- v. “to tremble, quiver” < ᴺ√PAP « G. paptha-
ᴺS. !redhor n. “farmer” ⇐ ^redh- [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !reitha- v. “to rescue, save (from ruin, peril, loss)” < √REK [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !rídhas n. “the country, countryside, farmland” ⇐ S. rîdh [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !rídhathren adj. “rustic, rural” ⇐ !rídhas
ᴺS. [G.] sibra- v. “to whimper, ⚠️weep” < ᴺ√SIKW
ᴺS. !talvad n. “footpath” ⇐ S. tâl + N. bâd
ᴺS. !tar- v. “to stand” < √TAR [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !tev- v. “to detest, hate” < ^ᴺ√TEB
ᴺS. !tevas n. “hatred” ⇐ !tev-
ᴺS. !tevren adj. “hateful” ⇐ !tev-
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^thalas n. “valour, courage” ⇐ √STAL « ᴱN. thalos
ᴺS. [G.] tîf n. “resentment, ill feeling, bitterness” < ^ᴺ√TEB
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] n. “wool, fleece” < ᴹ√TOW

Version 0.6.6

ᴺS. [G.] agrech n. “contempt”crech
ᴺS. [G.] ^agreithannen adj. “despised” ⇐ ^agreitha- « G. agrecthion
ᴺS. [G.] ^agreitharol adj. “despicable, contemptible” ⇐ ^agreitha- (active-participle) « G. agrectharol
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ammos n. “*breast, chest; ⚠️breastplate”
ᴺS. [G.] amosgarn n. “robin, (lit.) red-breast”ammos + S. caran
ᴺS. !annas n. “length” ⇐ S. and
ᴺS. !budhulug n. “dragonfly” ⇐ S. budhu + S. lhûg [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^caeth n. “cause, reason, motive” < ᴺ√KAH « G. caith
ᴺS. [G.] ^caetha- v. “to make to do or be, cause, compel, induce, bring about” < ᴺ√KAH « G. caitha-
ᴺS. [G.] ^caethas n. “causation” ⇐ ^caeth « G. caithos
ᴺS. [G.] ^caetheb n. “original” ⇐ ^caeth « G. caithonwed
ᴺS. [G.] cang adj. and n. “tangled, confused, mixed up, awry; tangle, confusion, mêllay” < ᴺ√KANGA
ᴺS. [G.] canga- v. “to tangle; *to get tangled, [by extension] go wrong” < ᴺ√KANGA
ᴺS. !carnen adj. “done, made, finished” ⇐ S. car- (passive-participle)
ᴺS. !carthas n. “activity” ⇐ S. #carth
ᴺS. !caust n. “savour, flavour” < √KYAW
ᴺS. [G.] ^caweth n. “sense of taste, taste, judgement” ⇐ S. caw- « G. cafwen
ᴺS. !cil- v. “to choose, select” < √KIL [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !codhon n. “idol” < ^ᴺ√KOD
ᴺS. [G.] corob n. “skull” < √KOR
ᴺS. [G.] ^cotha- v. “to startle” ⇐ ᴹ√KAP + ✶-tā « G. captha- [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] crech n. “spittle” < ᴺ√K(E)REK
ᴺS. [G.] crig n. “elbow” < √RIK²
ᴺS. [G.] ^crisg adj. “sharp [edged]” < √KIRIS « G. crisc
ᴺS. [G.] crista- v. “to slash, cut, slice” < √KIRIS
ᴺS. [G.] ^cuileb adj. “lively, ⚠️alive” ⇐ N. cuil « G. cuilog
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] cuilvorn n. “lifetime” ⇐ N. cuil + ᴹ√BOR(ON)
ᴺS. [G.] ^cuinas n. “vitality, liveliness” ⇐ N. cuin « G. cuibri
ᴺS. [G.] cuith n. “[biological process of] life, the vital principle; ⚠️living body” < √KOY
ᴺS. [G.] ^cuithas n. “life (period of life); living, livelihood”cuith « G. cuithos
ᴺS. [G.] ^cui(w) adj. “awake, alert, ⚠️alive” < √KUY « G. cwim
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] cûr n. “cheese” < ᴺ√KYUR
ᴺS. !dúvad n. “supper, dinner” ⇐ S. + mâd
ᴺS. !echuiru- v. “to come to life” < ✶etkoiru-
ᴺS. [G.] ^galen adj. “grown (esp. of plants)” < √GAL² « G. calon
ᴺS. !glasta-¹ v. “to joke” < ✶glada- [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !glaudh n. “joke, jest” < ✶glada-
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] glidheb adj. “like honey” ⇐ N. glî + S. -eb
ᴺS. [G.] glist n. “sugar” < √LIS
ᴺS. !glodhren adj. “jocular” ⇐ !glaudh
ᴺS. !gobem n. “mouth” ⇐ S. go- + !pemp [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !heledhren adj. “glassy, like glass, of glass” ⇐ S. heledh
ᴺS. !lad- v. “to stretch, extend (in length)” < √LAT¹
ᴺS. !laeda- v. “to refresh, revive” < √LAY [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^laegas n. “verdure, greenness” ⇐ S. †laeg « G. laigos
ᴺS. !laeweth n. “freshness” ⇐ S. laew
ᴺS. !lall n. “laugh” < √LAL
ᴺS. !lallen adj. “funny, amusing” ⇐ !lall
ᴺS. !laltha- v. “to amuse, make laugh” < √LAL [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [G.] laph n. “loose-end, end of rope, hem of robe” < √LAP
ᴺS. [S.] laudh n. “gluttonous eating, [N.] †licking up (food or drink)” < ✶labdē
ᴺS. [G.] lavra- v. “to lap (of animals), suck up” < √LAB
ᴺS. [G.] leb- v. “to pick, pluck, take or feel or touch with fingers, cull” < √LEP
ᴺS. !leberen adj. “fingered, of fingers” ⇐ S. leber
ᴺS. !lenia- v. “to sound, make a noise” < √LAM
ᴺS. !lhinnas n. “slenderness, thinness” ⇐ ^lhind
ᴺS. [G.] ^lilt n. “dance” < ᴹ√LILT « G. lalt [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. [G.] ^liltha- v. “to dance” < ᴹ√LILT « G. laltha- [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] limig n. “[small] drop, ⚠️drop of water” < ᴹ√LIB¹
ᴺS. !limmeg n. “young fish, small fry” ⇐ ^lim
ᴺS. !linnathren adj. “musical” ⇐ !linnas
ᴺS. !linnor n. “singer” ⇐ S. lind¹ [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [G.] list n. “grace, favour, kindness” < √LIS
ᴺS. [G.] ^liv- v. “to drip” < ᴹ√LIB¹ « G. lib-
ᴺS. [G.] lob- v. “to gallop, *lope, ⚠️[G.] run” < ᴹ√LOP
ᴺS. [G.] lobrob n. “gallop; sound of horse’s feet” < ᴹ√LOP
ᴺS. !logra- v. “to stoop, bow, cower; to submit” < √LOK [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^lúda- v. “to pass (of time); to come to pass, occur, *happen” < ᴹ√LU « G. lûtha-
ᴺS. [G.] ^lummor n. “foul weather” < √LUB¹ « G. lumbri [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !lúthad n. “enchantments, sorcery” ⇐ ^lútha-
ᴺS. !madhren adj. “muddy” ⇐ S. madha
ᴺS. !mair adj. “precious” < ON. mirya
ᴺS. [G.] mang n. “butter” < ^ᴺ√MANGYA
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] mann n. “food” < ✶matnā
ᴺS. math “food”
ᴺS. !media- v. “to feed” < ✶matyā-
ᴺS. !meiras n. “value, preciousness” ⇐ !mair
ᴺS. [G.] ^melethel n. “darling, sweetheart” ⇐ N. meleth « G. melethli
ᴺS. !mivan adv. “where, (lit.) in/at what” ⇐ S. mi + S. man [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. [G.] muig² adj. “soft, gentle” < ᴹ√MOY
ᴺS. [G.] muis n. “softness, tenderness, gentleness” < ᴹ√MOY
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^naegos n. “anguish” ⇐ N. naeg « ᴱN. naigros
ᴺS. [G.] ^odlad n. “week” « G. ochlad [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^orchen n. “dandelion, (lit.) day-eye” ⇐ S. aur + S. hen(d) « G. glonthen [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^paetha- v. “to utter, speak, talk” < √PAKAT « G. pactha-
ᴺS. [G.] ^paethad n. “oratory” ⇐ ^paetha- « G. paithwen
ᴺS. [G.] ^paethron n. “orator” ⇐ S. paeth « G. paithron
ᴺS. !path- v. “to smooth” < √PATH
ᴺS. [G.] ^pavra- v. “to ail, be ill” < ᴹ√KWAM « G. cwancha- [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !pemp n. “lip” < √PEÑ
ᴺS. [G.] ^pengas n. “archery” ⇐ N. peng « G. cwinglios
ᴺS. [G.] ^pengron n. “archer” ⇐ N. peng « G. cwingron
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] pess¹ n. “saying, [G.] proverb” < √KWE
ᴺS. !rothron n. “polisher” ⇐ !runna-
ᴺS. !rûn adj. “polished, burnished, smoothed by polishing” < √RUN²
ᴺS. [G.] ^samp n. “spade, shovel” < ᴺ√SAP « G. sabli
ᴺS. [G.] suithlas n. “tea, *(lit.) drink of leaf” ⇐ ^suith + S. lass
ᴺS. !theriol adj. “flourishing” ⇐ S. theria- (active-participle)
ᴺS. [G.] ^tobla- v. “to hide” < √TUP « G. tubla-
ᴺS. !toled n. “coming, arrival” ⇐ S. #tol- (gerund)
ᴺS. !tolol adj. “coming, approaching” ⇐ S. #tol- (active-participle)
ᴺS. !tomp adj. “humped, bulging” < ᴹ√TUMPU
ᴺS. !tuilu- v. “to bud, open (of flowers and leaves)” < ✶tuilu-
ᴺS. !tŷg n. “thigh” < ᴹ√TIW

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ᴺS. !abor¹ n. “tomorrow, (lit.) after-day” ⇐ S. #ab + S. aur [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. [N.] ^adlanna- v. “to slope, slant” « N. atlanna- [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^adlant adj. “oblique, slanted” « N. atlant [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^adlod adj. “sloping, tilted” « N. aclod
ᴺS. [G.] ^aebin n. “cherry (tree)” ⇐ √AYA(N) + pibin « G. aibin
ᴺS. !aeda- v. “to revere, worship” ⇐ √AYA(N) + ✶-tă
ᴺS. !aedaith n. “reverence, worship, religion” ⇐ !aeda- + S. -th
ᴺS. [G.] ^aedh n. “nest” ⇐ S. aew « G. aidha
ᴺS. [N.] ^aegas n. “mountain peak” « N. oegas [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !Aeni n. “(female) angel” ⇐ √AYA(N)
ᴺS. !Aenu n. “(male) angel” ⇐ √AYA(N)
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^aglan n. “ray of light” < √KAL « ᴱN. aglann
ᴺS. [G.] ^agol n. “flash” < ✶akla- « G. agla
ᴺS. [G.] ^agreitha- v. “to despise, contemn”agrech « G. agrectha-
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^aith n. “spear-point, [ᴱN.] spear, ⚠️thorn” « ᴱN. aith
ᴺS. !alvar n. “(good) luck, fortune” < √AL(A)
ᴺS. !amarthannen adj. “decreed, destined, ordained” ⇐ S. amartha-
ᴺS. !ammatha- v. “to maul” ⇐ N. matha- [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [N.] ^andrann n. “cycle, age, (lit.) long cycle” « N. anrand [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !andrethui adj. “patient, long suffering” ⇐ S. andreth + S. -ui
ᴺS. [N.] ^anu n. and adj. “male (person or animal)” « N. anw [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !apha- v. “to touch” < √PĀ/APA
ᴺS. [N.] ^apharch adj. “arid, very dry” « N. afarch [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !aphas n. “(sence of) touch” ⇐ !apha-
ᴺS. [S.] ^archadhu n. “throne, (lit.) high seat” « S. arahadhw
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] asg n. “bone; ⚠️[G.] stone of fruit” < *ᴺ✶askō
ᴺS. !asgolui adj. “equivalent, (lit.) beside-bear-able” ⇐ √AS² + !col- + S. -ui
ᴺS. [S.] ast n. “light or heat of the sun, *warmth” < √AS¹
ᴺS. !avnedhor n. “afternoon” ⇐ S. #ab + !nedhor
ᴺS. !balaen adj. “divine” < √BAL
ᴺS. !baltha- v. “to excite, rouse, stir up, agitate” < √GWAL
ᴺS. !balthannen adj. “excited, agitated” ⇐ !baltha-
ᴺS. !balthol v. “exciting; excitable” ⇐ !baltha-
⚠️ᴺS. !bam [mb-] n. “sheep” < ✶mbā [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !maf “sheep”
ᴺS. !banath n. “beauty” ⇐ S. bain [created by Lokyt]
ᴺS. [G.] ^beleitha- [mb-] v. “to extol, magnify” < √MBELEK « G. belectha- [created by VQP]
ᴺS. !bened n. “chin” < ^ᴺ√BENET
ᴺS. !best n. “marriage, matrimony, wedlock, ⚠️wedding” < ᴺ√BES [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !besta- v. “to wed, marry” < ᴺ√BES [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !bestad n. “wedding, (lit.) a marrying” ⇐ !besta- (gerund) [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. [G.] ^bethren n. “brother in law, kinsman by marriage” ⇐ ᴺ√BES + rend² « G. bedhren
ᴺS. [G.] ^bethres n. “sister in law, *kinswoman by marriage” ⇐ ᴺ√BES + ress¹ « G. bedhres
ᴺS. [G.] ^bethron n. “spouse (m.)” < ᴺ√BES « G. bedhron
ᴺS. !bída- v. “to compare, liken” < ✶ [created by Fayanzār]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] blê n. and adj. “fat of meat; *fatty, oily, greasy” < ^ᴺ√MILIG
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] blîw n. “oil” < ^ᴺ√MILIG
ᴺS. [N.] ^boe [mb-] v. “must (impersonal), (lit.) *[it] needs” « N. bui [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^bond [mb-] adj. “snouted” « N. #bon(n)
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] brond adj. “firm, [G.] steadfast, *faithful, constant” < ᴹ√BOR(ON)
ᴺS. !bronnas n. “steadfastness, constancy”brond
ᴺS. [N.] ^bund [mb-] n. “snout, nose; cape [of land]” « N. bunn
ᴺS. [N.] ^bŷr n. “follower, vassal” < ᴹ√BEW « N. beor [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^cadu adj. “shaped, formed” « N. cadw [vetted by HSD]
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^cae n. “earth” < ᴹ√KEM [vetted by HSD]
S. ceven “*earth; Earth”
ᴺS. [N.] ^calph n. “water-vessel, [G.] bucket” < ᴹ√KALPA « N. calf [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^camlann n. “palm of hand” « N. camland [vetted by HSD]
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^cand adj. “bold” [vetted by HSD]
N. beren¹ “bold”
ᴺS. !canthil n. “square” ⇐ S. canad + S. till
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^cefn adj. “of earth, earthen” [vetted by HSD]
N. cevn “of earth, earthen”
ᴺS. [N.] ^celair adj. “brilliant, *shining” « N. celeir [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !celia- v. “to illuminate, light up; to illustrate” < √KAL [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !celias n. “(artificial) light, illumination” ⇐ !celia- [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [N.] ^celu n. “spring, source; ⚠️[G.] rill, stream, runlet” < √KEL « N. celw [vetted by HSD]
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^círbann n. “[ship] haven” [vetted by HSD]
N. cirban “[ship] haven”
ᴺS. !coltha- v. “to bear up; to weigh, balance it on scales; to be worth, value or be equivalent to; ⚠️to endure” < √KOL
ᴺS. !cordh n. “sour (of milk), curdled” < ᴺ√KYUR
ᴺS. [N.] ^coru adj. “cunning, wily” « N. corw [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^covn n. “empty, void” « N. caun²
ᴺS. [N.] ^cúron n. “crescent moon” ⇐ S. + S. #Raun « N. cúran [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !cútha- v. “to deceive, lie” < √KUB [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !dadhra- [nd-] v. “to face, oppose, stand in way; to resist, thwart” ⇐ S. dan
ᴺS. !dadhren [nd-] adj. “opposing, facing, opposite” ⇐ S. dan
ᴺS. [N.] ^daer [nd-] n. “bridegroom” « N. doer [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^dagras [nd-] n. “slaughter” ⇐ S. dagor + S. #-as « ᴱN. dagros
ᴺS. !dannad n. “falling” ⇐ S. danna- (gerund) [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [S.] delch [nd-] adj. “dense” < !ᴺ√NDEL
ᴺS. [N.] ^delu adj. “hateful, deadly, fell” « N. delw [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [Ilk.] dem adj. “sad, gloomy” < ᴹ✶dimbā [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [Ilk.] dim n. “gloom, sadness” < ᴹ✶dimbē
ᴺS. [G.] dod n. “berry” < ^ᴺ√DOT
ᴺS. [G.] dod- v. “to drop, ⚠️fall down” < ^ᴺ√DOT
ᴺS. [S.] dom adj. “blind” < √DOM
ᴺS. [N.] ^dovn adj. “gloomy” « N. dofn
ᴺS. [N.] ^dravn n. “hewn log” « N. drafn
ᴺS. [N.] ^edinor n. “anniversary day” ⇐ S. #ad- + S. #în¹ + S. aur « N. edinar [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^edledhia- v. “to go into exile” ⇐ S. edlen(n) « N. egledhia- [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^edledhron n. “exile” ⇐ S. edlen(n) « N. egledhron [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^edrain n. “*(outer) border” ⇐ S. ed¹ + ^rain¹ « N. edrein [vetted by HSD]
⚠️ᴺS. !eiliant n. ⇐ N. #ell + S. iant [vetted by HSD]
S. ninniach “rainbow”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] eitheb adj. “thorny, *(orig.) full of points; ⚠️sharp” ⇐ ^aith + S. -eb
ᴺS. [G.] ^eithos n. “thorn bush” « G. aithos
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^eithron n. “*spearman, ⚠️[ᴱN.] warrior” ⇐ ^aith + S. #-(r)on « ᴱN. eithron
⚠️ᴺS. [G.] ^elch adv. and n. “else, something else” < ^ᴺ√ELEK
ᴺS. ^egol “else, something else”
⚠️ᴺS. [G.] eleg adj. “other, else” < ^ᴺ√ELEK
ᴺS. !egel “other”
⚠️ᴺS. [G.] ^elegren adj. “different, strange”eleg [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !egelren “different, strange”
ᴺS. !eliad n. “blessing” ⇐ S. elia-
ᴺS. !elias n. “blessedness” ⇐ S. elia-
ᴺS. [N.] ^elu adj. “(pale) blue” « N. elw [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [G.] ^elva- v. “to marvel at, admire” < ^ᴺ√ELEM « G. elma-
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] elvain adj. “wondrous, marvelous, wonderful; ⚠️wonder(ful thing), marvel” < ^ᴺ√ELEM
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] elven n. “wonder, wonderment” < ^ᴺ√ELEM
ᴺS. [S.] ^enaidh adj. “central, middle” < √ENED « S. enaid
ᴺS. [G.] ^enas n. “title” ⇐ S. #en- « G. enos
ᴺS. [G.] enwiol adj. “nominal” < ᴺ√EN
ᴺS. [G.] ereth n. “solitude, oneness, loneliness” < √ER
ᴺS. !erlu adv. “once, one time” ⇐ S. er + ^
ᴺS. !estannen adj. “named, called” ⇐ S. #esta- (passive-participle)
ᴺS. [S.] ^ethia- v. “to ease, assist” « S. eitha-² [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [N.] ^faeg adj. “mean, poor, bad” « N. foeg [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !faelas n. “fairness, equity” ⇐ S. fael²
⚠️ᴺS. ^fair adj. “right (hand)” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. fuir “[N.] right (hand); ⚠️north”
ᴺS. [G.] falchon n. “great two-handed sword, twibill” < *√SPALAK
ᴺS. !fartha- v. “to sate, satisfy” < ᴹ√PHAR
ᴺS. !farthannen adj. “sated, satisfied” ⇐ !fartha- (passive-participle)
ᴺS. !farthas n. “satiety, satisfaction” ⇐ !fartha- [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !fastui n. “shaggy, hairy, hirsute” ⇐ N. fast
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] faus(t) n. “thirst” < ᴹ√PHAW
ᴺS. !faw- v. “to puff, blow, pant” < √PHAW [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^fervain adj. “northern”
N. forodren “northern”
ᴺS. [G.] ^fidhras n. “collective hair, *all hair on the body” < √SPIN(ID) « G. fidhra
ᴺS. [G.] ^fidhren adj. “having hair, -haired” ⇐ S. find « G. #fidhrin
ᴺS. [G.] finc n. “trick” < √PHIN¹
ᴺS. [G.] ^finna- v. “to trick, deceive, cheat, take in” < √PHIN¹ « G. fintha-
ᴺS. !fovren adj. “foolish”fôf
ᴺS. [G.] gach n. “cow” < ^ᴺ√GYAK
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^gaer adj. “red, copper-coloured, ruddy” « N. goer [vetted by HSD]
S. caran “red”
S. #gaer¹ “awful, fearful, [N.] dreadful”
ᴺS. [N.] ^gaeruil n. “seaweed” ⇐ S. gaear + N. uil « N. oeruil [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [G.] ^gaew adj. “pregnant” < ᴺ√GIW « G. gaiw
ᴺS. !galenathrod n. “(smoking) pipe” ⇐ S. galenas + rod [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^galf n. “back [of a body], shoulders [collectively]” < √GAL² « ᴱN. alm
ᴺS. [N.] ^galu n. “increase, growth; ⚠️good fortune, blessedness, blessings” « N. galw [created by HSD, Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^ganna- v. “to gain, profit, increase; to be profitable, bring in revenue” < ^ᴺ√GYANTA « G. gam(m)a-
ᴺS. [G.] ^gannan adj. “waxen, grown big, grown up, adult, [originally?] large” < ^ᴺ√GYANTA « G. ganthan
ᴺS. [G.] gant adv. “larger, greater, more, (lit.) increased” < ^ᴺ√GYANTA
ᴺS. [N.] gartha- v. “to defend, ⚠️keep” < ᴹ√GARAT
ᴺS. [G.] gil- [ng-] v. “to gleam, shine pale and silver (as of the moon [or stars])” < √(Ñ)GIL
ᴺS. [G.] ^glaen adj. “serene, clear, fair (espec. of weather)” < ᴹ√GALAN « G. glaim
ᴺS. !glaenas n. “fair weather; serenity” ⇐ ^glaen
ᴺS. [G.] ^glanna- v. “to cleanse, purify, purge, *to clear, make clear” < ᴹ√GALAN « G. glantha-
ᴺS. [G.] ^glannaith n. “cleanliness, purity” ⇐ ^glanna- « G. glanweth
ᴺS. !glannas n. “purification” ⇐ ^glanna-
ᴺS. [G.] ^glannen adj. “cleanly, pure” ⇐ ^glanna- « G. glanthin
ᴺS. !glassui adj. “joyful, happy” ⇐ N. glass [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. [G.] glast n. “marble” < ^ᴺ✶galast-
ᴺS. [G.] ^glathren adj. “[of or like] marble”glast « G. glastrin
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^glavradeb adj. “full of the din of voices” ⇐ N. glavra- « ᴱN. glabroseb
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^glavradol adj. “chattering, talkative” ⇐ N. glavra- « ᴱN. glabadol
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^glavradon n. “vain talker, *chatterbox” ⇐ N. glavra- « ᴱN. glebe(i)dion
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^glavras n. “babble, chatter, babel, din of voices” ⇐ N. glavra- « ᴱN. glabros
ᴺS. !gleinannen adj. “bounded, enclosed, limited” ⇐ S. gleina- (passive-participle)
ᴺS. !glinthad n. “look, glance, flash of the eye” ⇐ S. glintha- (gerund)
ᴺS. [N.] ^godref adv. “abreast; *together-through” « N. godrebh [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^golu [ng-] n. “lore, *wisdom” « N. †golw
ᴺS. !gonneb adj. “stony, rocky” ⇐ S. gond
ᴺS. [G.] ^gonnos n. “great rock” ⇐ S. gond + S. -oth « G. gonthos
ᴺS. [G.] ^gonnoth n. “pillar, stele, memorial” ⇐ S. gond + S. -oth « G. gontha¹
ᴺS. !govai adj. and adv. “alike, similar” ⇐ S. #be [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] gratha- v. “to rub, scratch, fray”
ᴺS. [N.] ^graw adj. “dark, swart” « N. grau
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^gwael n. “sheath, case, cover; pod” < ᴹ√WAY « ᴱN. bail
ᴺS. !gwaelphilin n. “quiver, (lit.) case of arrows” ⇐ ^gwael + ^pilin(d)
ᴺS. [S.] gwaeren adj. “windy” ⇐ S. gwae + S. #-ren
ᴺS. [G.] gwalir n. “rhyme, rime (the two actual rhyming words), rhyming poem” ⇐ S. go- + N. glîr
ᴺS. [N.] ^gwanu n. “death (act of dying)” « N. gwanw [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [G.] gwaren n. “[nuclear] family” ⇐ S. go- + ᴺ√^RE(N)D
ᴺS. !gwedhen adj. “oath-bound, allied” ⇐ N. gwedh
ᴺS. !gwedhron n. “ally, one bound by oath” ⇐ N. gwedh
ᴺS. [G.] gwef n. “louse” < ^ᴺ√WEB
ᴺS. [G.] gwel- v. “to boil, bubble” < ^ᴺ√WEL
ᴺS. [G.] ^gwelch n. “bubble” < ^ᴺ√WEL « G. gwelc
ᴺS. [G.] gweleb adj. “cool, fresh (esp. of water)” < ^ᴺ√WEL
ᴺS. [G.] gweleth n. “boil, bubble”gwel- + S. -th
ᴺS. [G.] gweltha- v. “to squeeze, press” < ^ᴺ√WEL
ᴺS. [N.] ^gwelu n. “air (as a substance)” « N. gwelw [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [G.] ^gwemmel n. “weevil”gwem « G. gwembel
ᴺS. [G.] ^gwendod n. “elder tree; elderberry, *(lit.) maiden berry” ⇐ S. gwend + dod « G. gwindod
ᴺS. !gwidhren adj. “adolescent, pre-adult” ⇐ S. gwîn [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^gwiltha- v. “to air, expose to air” < ᴹ√WIL « G. gwailtha-
ᴺS. [G.] gwingil n. “mermaid, (lit.) foam maiden” ⇐ S. gwing
ᴺS. [G.] ^gwir- v. “to weave” < √WIR « G. gwidh- [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !gwirfin n. “braid, pigtail, (lit.) woven-tress” ⇐ ^gwir- + S. find
ᴺS. [G.] gwiril n. “spindle” < √WIR
ᴺS. !gwirthar n. “shuttle, (lit.) weave-across” ⇐ ^gwir- + S. thar
ᴺS. !gwist n. “change” < √WIS
ᴺS. !gwista- v. “to change, alter, vary” < √WIS
ᴺS. !gýda- v. “to impregnate, make pregant” < ᴺ√GIW
ᴺS. [G.] ^gŷl adj. “fecund; conceiving, having conceived, just pregnant” < ᴺ√GIW « G. giol
ᴺS. [G.] ^gŷth n. “germ, foetus, embryon” < ᴺ√GIW « G. gioth
ᴺS. [G.] ^gythra- v. “to germinate, be conceived” ⇐ ^gŷth « G. giothra-
ᴺS. [G.] ^gythren adj. “embryonic” ⇐ ^gŷth « G. giothrin
ᴺS. [G.] ^hach n. “the hams, buttocks” < ^ᴺ√KHAK « G. hacha
ᴺS. [G.] hadang n. “javelin, (lit.) hurling iron” ⇐ N. had- + S. ang
ᴺS. [N.] hadh- v. “to sit” < √KHAD
ᴺS. [N.] ^hadlath n. “sling” « N. haglath
ᴺS. [N.] ^hair n. and adj. “left (hand)” « N. heir [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^hand adj. “intelligent” « N. hann
ᴺS. !hannen adj. “seated”hadh- (passive-participle)
ᴺS. [G.] hant n. “throw, cast; turn or move in games” < ᴹ√KHAT
ᴺS. [N.] ^haru n. “wound” « N. harw [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [G.] haug adj. “low” < ᴹ√KHAW
ᴺS. [G.] haw- v. “to lie” < ᴹ√KHAW
ᴺS. [G.] hel- v. “to freeze” < √KHEL
ᴺS. [G.] hent n. “eyesight, *(sense of) sight” < √KHEN
ᴺS. [G.] ^hesg adj. “withered, ⚠️dead; chilled, chill” < ^ᴺ√KHES « G. hesc
ᴺS. [N.] ^hethu adj. “foggy, obscure, vague” « N. hethw [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [G.] ^hilvias n. “inheritance, heritage” ⇐ ^hilf « G. hilming
ᴺS. !hinia- v. “to stick to, adhere, cleave to, abide by” < ᴹ√KHIM [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [N.] ^hithu n. “fog” < √KHITH « N. hithw [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [G.] ^hoda- v. “to lay, stretch out, lay flat on ground” < √KHAW¹ « G. hautha- [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^hogren adj. “lowly, humble, mean”haug « G. haugrin
ᴺS. [G.] hosta- v. “to gather, collect” < √KHOT¹
ᴺS. [G.] hothron n. “captain” ⇐ S. hoth
ᴺS. [N.] ^hwand n. “sponge, fungus” « N. chwann
ᴺS. [N.] ^hwest n. “puff, breath, breeze” « N. chwest [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^hwîn n. “giddiness, faintness” « N. chwîn [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^hwind n. “eddy” « N. chwinn [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^hwinia- v. “to twirl, whirl, eddy” « N. chwinia- [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^hwiniol adj. “whirling, giddy, mad, fantastic” « N. chwiniol [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^idhor adj. “thoughtfulness” < ^ᴺ✶inrē « N. idher [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^idhrinn n. “year, *(lit.) year-circle” « N. idhrin [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !imeneth n. “namesake, (lit.) same name” ⇐ S. im¹ + S. eneth
ᴺS. [N.] ^inu adj. and n. “female” < √NĪ/INI « N. inw [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !inwas n. “feminity, womanhood” ⇐ ^inu [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [N.] ^lae n. “great number” « N. lhae [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^laeg adj. “keen, sharp, acute” « N. lhaeg [vetted by HSD]
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^laes n. “babe” [vetted by HSD]
S. gwinig “little-one, baby”
ᴺS. [N.] ^laew adj. “frequent, many” « N. lhaew [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^lagor adj. “swift, rapid” « N. lhagr [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^lain adj. “free(d), *liberated” < √LEK « N. lhain [vetted by HSD]
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^lalorn n. “elm-tree” [vetted by HSD]
S. alaf “elm”
ᴺS. !lanad n. “weft, woof” < ᴹ√LAN [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [N.] ^lang n. “cutlass, sword” « N. lhang [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^lant n. “clearing in the forest” « N. lhant [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !lanu n. “loom” < ᴹ√LAN [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [N.] ^lasbelin n. “leaf-fall, autumn” « N. lasbelin [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !last n. “(sense of) hearing” < √LAS²
ᴺS. !lastad n. “listening, hearkening, attention” ⇐ S. lasta- (gerund)
ᴺS. !lastadui adj. “audible” ⇐ S. lasta- [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. [N.] ^lath n. “thong (of leather)” « N. lhath [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^lathr(ad)a- v. “to listen in, eavesdrop” < √LAS² « N. lhathr(ad)a- [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^lathron n. “hearer, listener, eavesdropper” < √LAS² « N. lhathron [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^laug adj. “warm” « N. lhaug [vetted by HSD]
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^laus n. “ringlet” « N. lhaws
ᴺS. ^loch “ringlet”
ᴺS. [G.] ^lav- v. “to lick” « G. lav- [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !leidhron n. “liberator, saviour” ⇐ ^lain
ᴺS. !leinas n. “freedom, liberty” ⇐ ^lain
ᴺS. [N.] ^lend adj. “tuneful, sweet” « N. lhend [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^lethril n. “hearer, listener, eavesdropper (f.)” « N. lhethril [vetted by HSD]
⚠️ᴺS. !lhae- v. “to hear” < √SLAS [created by Shihali]
ᴺS. !lhassa- “to hear”
ᴺS. [N.] ^lhaew adj. “sickly, sick, ill” « N. flaew [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^lhain adj. “lean, thin, meagre” « N. thlein [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^lhê n. “fine thread, spider filament” « N. thlê [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^lhind adj. “fine, slender” « N. thlinn [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^lhing n. “spider’s web, cobweb; ⚠️spider” « N. thling [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^lhingril n. “spider” « N. thlingril [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^lhîw n. “sickness, disease” « N. fliw [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !lhoereb adj. “venomous, poisonous” ⇐ S. lhoer
ᴺS. [N.] ^lhoss n. < ᴹ√SLUS « N. floss [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !lhossa- v. “to whisper, rustle” < ᴹ√SLUS
ᴺS. [N.] ^lim n. “fish” « N. lhim [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^limlug n. “fish-dragon, sea-serpent” « N. lhimlug [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^limmid(a)- v. “to moisten” « N. lhimmid(a)- [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^limp adj. “wet” « N. lhimp [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^loch n. “ringlet” « N. lhoch [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^loda- v. “to float” « N. lhoda- [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [G.] ^loeth n. “twist, tendril, spiral, coil” < √LOK « G. loctha
ᴺS. [G.] ^loetha- v. “to curl, bend, wind, twine, ⚠️tie knot, tangle” < √LOK « G. loctha-
ᴺS. !log- v. “to haul, drag” < √LUK
ᴺS. [G.] ^logren adj. “curled, curly, *bending, looping” ⇐ √LOK + S. #-ren « G. logrin
ᴺS. [N.] ^lom adj. “weary, *tired” « N. lhom [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [G.] lonc n. “curl” < √LOK
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^long adj. “heavy” [vetted by HSD]
S. #lung “heavy; [G.] grave, serious”
ᴺS. [N.] ^lorn adj. “asleep” « N. lhorn² [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [G.] lortha- v. “to put to sleep, send to sleep” < √(O)LOR
ᴺS. [G.] ^ n. “time, occasion” < ᴹ√LU « G. lu [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [G.] ^lûg n. “bend, loop, wind, twist; guile, deceit” < √LOK « G. lûgi
ᴺS. [G.] ^lum n. “shade, *a thing blocking light; [G.] [dark] cloud” « G. lum [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^lumren n. “shady, [G.] overcast” « N. lhumren [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^lunt n. “boat” « N. lhunt [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [G.] ^lûr n. “sleep, slumber” < √(O)LOR « G. lûr
ᴺS. [N.] ^lûth n. “spell, charm, [ᴱN.] magic” < ᴹ√LUK « N. lhûth [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^lútha- v. “to enchant” < ᴹ√LUK « N. lhûtha- [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [G.] mâd n. “meal” < √MAT
ᴺS. !madui adj. “edible” ⇐ S. #mad- + S. -ui
ᴺS. [N.] ^mae² adj. “soft, pliant” « N. moe
ᴺS. [N.] ^maeas n. “dough” ⇐ ^mae² « N. moeas
ᴺS. !maedol adj. and n. “welcome” ⇐ S. mae + S. #tol- [created by Roman Rausch]
ᴺS. [N.] ^mael¹ n. “lust” « N. moel [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^mael² n. and adj. “stain; stained” « N. hmael [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !maeligeb adj. “wealthy, rich” ⇐ S. maelig + S. -eb
ᴺS. [N.] ^maelui adj. “lustful” « N. moelui [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [G.] ^maith n. “goal, intention” < ᴺ√MEK « G. mectha
ᴺS. [N.] ^mâl n. “pollen, yellow powder” « N. hmâl
ᴺS. [N.] ^malu adj. “fallow, pale, ⚠️[ᴱN.] yellow” « N. hmalw [vetted by HSD]
⚠️ᴺS. !mas adv. “where” < √MA [created by Thorsten Renk]
ᴺS. !mivan “where, (lit.) in/at what”
ᴺS. !mathad n. “handling, feeling, stroking, caressing; appraising, assay” ⇐ N. matha- (gerund)
ᴺS. [N.] ^maw¹ n. “soil, stain” « N. hmaw
ᴺS. [G.] mechor n. “gore” < ^ᴺ√MEKH
ᴺS. [N.] ^medli n. “bear, (lit.) honey-eater” « N. megli [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^medlin adj. “*bear-like” « N. meglin [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^medlivorn n. “blackbear” « N. meglivorn
ᴺS. [G.] ^meitha- v. “to aim at, *have as a goal; ⚠️to intend, mean” < ᴺ√MEK « G. mectha-
ᴺS. [G.] ^meithas n. “meaning” < ᴺ√MEK « G. mecthos
ᴺS. [N.] ^meren adj. “festive, gay, joyous” < ᴹ√M(B)ER « N. beren²
ᴺS. [G.] mib n. “(little) kiss, peck” < *√MIKW
ᴺS. [N.] ^minai adj. “distinct, unique, single” < √MIN « N. minei [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !mírad n. “treasury, hoard” ⇐ S. mîr
ᴺS. [G.] ^miru n. “wine” « G. mîr
ᴺS. [G.] ^mirwelthen n. “vintage, *(lit.) wine pressing” ⇐ ^miru + gweltha- + S. #-en¹ « G. mirwelthin
ᴺS. [N.] ^naegra- v. “to pain” « N. negra- [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !nathla- v. “to welcome” < √NATH [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !nathol adj. “affable, kindly, welcoming” < √NATH
ᴺS. !nathren adj. “welcome, acceptable, agreeable” < √NATH
ᴺS. !nedhor n. “mid-day, noon” ⇐ N. nedh- + S. aur
ᴺS. [N.] ^nedhu n. “bolster, cushion” « N. nedhw [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !nedhwad n. “lunch, (lit.) middle-meal” ⇐ N. nedh- + mâd [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [N.] ^nend adj. “watery” « N. nenn
ᴺS. !nepheg n. “mid-point, (lit.) mid-spot” ⇐ N. nedh- + N. peg
ᴺS. ! adv. “once, at one time; was” < ✶-nē [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^nigol n. “mouse, (lit.) small one” < √NIK « G. nig(la)
ᴺS. [G.] ^nigren adj. “stealthy, (orig.) mouse-like” ⇐ ^nigol « G. nigrin
ᴺS. !nimmas n. “whiteness” ⇐ S. nimp
ᴺS. [N.] ^nind adj. “slender” « N. ninn [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [G.] ^nui prep. and adv. “before (of time); ⚠️[G.] afterwards, again, later” < ✶ « G. nui
ᴺS. !nuir n. “yesterday” ⇐ ^nui
ᴺS. [N.] ^nŷw n. “noose, snare” « N. hniof [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !olost adj. “drowsy, dreamy, lazy” < √OLOS [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^orth adj. “upper” < √RŌ/ORO « G. ortha
ᴺS. !othas n. “warfare” ⇐ N. auth
ᴺS. !othestannen adj. “infamous, of evil name, (lit.) ill-named” ⇐ S. oth- + !estannen
ᴺS. !othidh n. “armistice” ⇐ N. auth + S. îdh
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^othlonn n. “paved way” [vetted by HSD]
N. othlon “paved way”
ᴺS. !othrad n. “street” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !othrim n. “army” ⇐ N. auth + S. -rim
ᴺS. !othrol n. “warlike” ⇐ N. auth
ᴺS. !othwen n. “amazon” ⇐ N. auth + S. -wen
ᴺS. [N.] ^paich n. “juice, syrup, *sap” « N. peich [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [G.] ^palt n. “wide flat leaf; page of book; ⚠️blade (of swords, knives, oars, etc.)” < √PAL « G. paltha
ᴺS. [N.] ^pand n. “courtyard” « N. pann² [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^pathu n. “level space, sward” « N. pathw [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^penninor n. “full year (last day of year), *new year’s eve” ⇐ S. #pant + S. #în¹ + S. aur « N. penninar [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !pess² n. “feather” < ᴹ√KWES [created by Hialmr, VQP]
ᴺS. !pesson n. “plume, (great) feather” ⇐ !pess² [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] pibin n. “small berry, haw” < *√PI(N)
ᴺS. !pilinoth n. “arrow of war, arrow sent as a summons to war” ⇐ ^pilin(d) + N. auth
ᴺS. [G.] ^pir- v. “to stir, stir round, make spin” < ᴺ√KWIR « G. cwir-
ᴺS. [G.] ^pîr n. “cream” < ᴺ√KWIR « G. cwîr
ᴺS. !piren adj. “spun, rounded, cylindrical” ⇐ ^pir- [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^piruin n. “spinning wheel” < ᴺ√KWIR « G. cwiruin
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] plador n. “[G.] oar; ⚠️[ᴱN.] surf, land’s edge” ⇐ √PAL
ᴺS. [G.] ^plant adj. “flat, open, expansive; candid, blunt (of words)” < √PAL « G. blant
ᴺS. [G.] porog n. “fowl (domestic), *chicken” < ✶poroki
ᴺS. [G.] ^puida- v. “to clean, tidy, cleanse, ⚠️purify” < ᴹ√POY « G. puidra- [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !puidh n. “wash, cleaning” < ᴹ√POY
ᴺS. [N.] ^raeg adj. “wrong, [G.] awry, twisted, distorted, perverse, leering (of face)” < √RIK² « N. rhoeg [vetted by HSD]
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^raen adj. “crooked” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. rhaen “crooked”
ᴺS. [N.] ^raew n. “fathom” « N. rhaew [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^rain¹ n. “border” « N. rhain¹ [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^rain² adj. “free, *unconstrained” « N. rhain²
ᴺS. [N.] ^ranc n. “arm” « N. rhanc [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^rand n. “cycle” « N. #rhand
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^rasg n. “horn” [vetted by HSD]
S. rass “horn [of both animals and mountains]”
S. rasg “wain, *wagon”
ᴺS. [N.] ^raudh adj. “hollow, cavernous” « N. rhaudh [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^raun adj. “errant” « N. rhaun [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^ravn n. “wing (horn), extended point at side” « N. rhafn
ᴺS. [N.] ^raw¹ n. “bank (especially of a river)” « N. rhaw² [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^redh- v. “to sow” « N. #rhedh- [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^rein n. “slot, spoor, track, footprint” « N. rhein [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^rem adj. “frequent, numerous” « N. rhem [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^rend¹ adj. “circular” « N. rhenn [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^renia-¹ v. “to stray, wander” « N. rhenia-¹ [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^renia-² v. “to sail, fly” « N. rhenia-² [created by David Salo]
ᴺS. !rennas n. “kinship, relation” < ^ᴺ√RE(N)D
ᴺS. [G.] ress¹ n. “female cousin, relative” < ^ᴺ√RE(N)D
ᴺS. [N.] rhaen adj. “crooked” < √SRAG
ᴺS. [N.] ^rhib- v. “to scratch” « N. thrib- [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^rib- v. “to flow like a torrent” « N. rhib- [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^rim n. “cold pool or lake (in mountains)” « N. rhim² [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^rîn adj. “crowned” « N. rhîn [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^rinc n. “twitch, jerk, sudden move” « N. rhinc [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^rind n. “circle” « N. rhinn [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^ringorn n. “circle” « N. rhingorn [vetted by HSD]
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^rîs n. “queen” [vetted by HSD]
S. #rían “queen, *(lit.) crowned-lady”
S. bereth “queen, spouse; supreme, sublime”
ᴺS. [N.] ^rista- v. “to cut; to rend, rip” « N. rista- [vetted by HSD]
⚠️ᴺS. ^rítha- v. “to try, strive” [created by Elaran]
S. ritha- “to try, strive”
ᴺS. !ritha- v. “to jerk, twitch, snatch” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️ᴺS. ^rîw n. “brink, brim” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. rhîf “brink, brim”
ᴺS. [N.] ^romru n. “sound of horns” « N. rhomru [vetted by HSD]
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^†ross n. “polished metal” [vetted by HSD]
S. ross² “red-haired, copper-coloured”
ᴺS. [N.] ^† n. “loud sound, trumpet-sound” « N. †rhû [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^rui n. “hunt, hunting, *chase” « N. rhui(w) [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^rŷn n. “chaser, hound of chase” « N. rhŷn [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !sa² prep. and adv. “beside, alongside, next (to)” < √AS² [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^saeb¹ adj. “hungry” < ^ᴺ√SAYAK « ᴱN. haib [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. [G.] ^saetha- v. “to cause hunger” < ^ᴺ√SAYAK « G. saitha- [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [N.] ^sain adj. “new” « N. sein [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [G.] ^salch n. “green cut grass, ensilage” < #ᴹ√SALAK « G. salc
ᴺS. [G.] ^salcha- v. “to scythe or mow” < #ᴹ√SALAK « G. salca-
ᴺS. [N.] ^salph n. “broth” « N. salff [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !sesta- v. “to set, (lit.) to make rest (on)” < √SED
ᴺS. [G.] ^suith n. “draught, [G.] a drink” < √SOK « G. suith [created by David Salo, vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^talagan n. “harper” « N. talagand [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !tallif n. “ankle” ⇐ S. tâl + S. #lîf
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^talu adj. “flat” < √TAL [vetted by HSD]
S. #laden “flat, wide, *level; [N.] open, cleared; [G.] fair, equitable; ⚠️[ᴱN.] smooth”
ᴺS. [G.] ^tarph adj. “dry [esp. of foods], [G.] stale” < ^ᴺ√TARKWA « G. tarf
ᴺS. !tavnen adj. “made (by craft of hand), wrought, fashioned” ⇐ S. tavn
ᴺS. [S.] ^techu n. “chip” < ✶teswā « S. tewch
ᴺS. !tel- v. “to end, finish, be done” < √TEL [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !telum n. “mushroom” < √TELU
ᴺS. [G.] tertha- v. “to destroy, *ruin, †(orig.) to make pierced; ⚠️to devour” < ᴺ√TER
ᴺS. [G.] ^terthaith n. “waste, ruin, destruction”tertha- « G. teraith
ᴺS. !thain¹ adj. “law-abiding, regular, normal, *lawful, formal, according to custom” < ᴹ√STAN [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [Ilk.] ?thall adj. “steep, falling steeply (of river)”
ᴺS. [Ilk.] ?thalos n. “torrent”
ᴺS. [N.] ^thand adj. “firm, true, abiding” « N. thann
ᴺS. [N.] ^thavn n. “post, wooden pillar” « N. thafn
⚠️ᴺS. !thein adj. “lawful, formal, according to custom” [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !thain¹ “law-abiding, regular, normal, *lawful, formal, according to custom”
ᴺS. !theinas n. “law, rule” ⇐ !thain¹ [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !theinweg n. “lawman, lawyer” ⇐ !thain¹
ᴺS. !thornang n. “steel, (lit.) hard-iron” ⇐ S. thorn¹ + S. ang [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !thostol adj. “stinking” ⇐ N. thosta- (active-participle)
ᴺS. [G.] ^thûg n. “resin” < ^ᴺ√THUK « G. thugli
ᴺS. !tinthilthad n. “sparkling, twinkling, scintillation” ⇐ ^tinthiltha-
ᴺS. [N.] ^tond adj. “tall” « N. tonn
ᴺS. [N.] ^tovn adj. “lowlying, deep, low” « N. tofn
ᴺS. !túliel adj. “having come, having arrived” ⇐ S. #tol- (perfective-participle)
ᴺS. [N.] ^tund¹ n. “mound, hill” « N. tunn
ᴺS. !úben n. “nobody, no one” ⇐ S. pen²
ᴺS. !uitha- v. “to smoke (trans.)” < √USUK [created by Shihali]
ᴺS. !úlren adj. “odorous” ⇐ N. ûl
ᴺS. [N.] ^ulunn n. “monster, deformed and hideous creature” « N. ulun [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [G.] ^uru n. “brazier, grate” < √UR « G. urm [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !úthúlui adj. “breathless” ⇐ N. thûl
ᴺS. [G.] uthwen n. “escape, way out, exit” ⇐ ᴺ√^UTH + S. men²
ᴺS. !uwedhen adj. “outlaw, outcast” ⇐ !gwedhen
ᴺS. !uwedhron n. “outlaw, outcast” ⇐ !gwedhron
ᴺS. [G.] ^ŷl n. “lamb” < ᴺ√EW(EL) « G. iol